Windows Programming - March 2014 (Page 4)

dlls essue
Is there a good books about dll creation with cpp ? thnks
[4 replies] Last: Hi, I suggest you look at YouTube videos regarding this topic: https:... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
console in win32
Hiiiiii everyone I programed a simple win32 app but when I get the app.exe every time I open it there is the black console with it so 1 : why the console A...
[4 replies] Last: The console comes from Code::blocks itself (cb_console_runner.exe), no... (by modoran)
(C++) Look if picture is on screen
Hey there, Is there any way that I could look if a picture is on the screen? Example: I want to look if this picture is on the screen
[1 reply] : There's a lot of ways. It'd be easier with more specifics such as: 1-I... (by soranz)
how to use sendinput function
I have no idea about what parameters are inputted even though I saw the sendinput function from msdn. UINT WINAPI SendInput( _In_ UINT nInputs, _In_ ...
[1 reply] : To understand what each parameter means u'll have to search each one s... (by soranz)
by riv
Attempting to set focus to popup
I create a popup window (WS_POPUP & WS_EX_TOPMOST) that can receive focus when clicked. However, when the main application window is minimized, attempting to cl...
[no replies]
Using Wininet for HttpRequest POST
Hi everyone, I am learning to make nttp requests, POST with wininet to a php file. the php file will then save the data to a database (mysql) The Program comp...
[4 replies] Last: I did some removals, here is what the code looks like now. #include... (by m0mathur)
Can someone explain some stuff for me?
So, I am learning to program windows, and have made some basic stuff. But, in order to really, well, make real things, I need some things explained for me, beca...
[14 replies] Last: Wow. That is a lot of code. I happen to sort of like the message resou... (by AceDawg45)
.exe Application in my Win32 Application (C++)?
Hello there, I'm here to ask if any of you know if I can get an application in my Win32 Application. As example this is what I have now:
[2 replies] Last: C# != C++. I'd recommend looking at Microsoft's WinAPI tutorials. (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Update and Things Break
I just installed a new version of Code Blocks (13.12) and the most recent version of the TDM GCC compiler (4.8), and now the code I have crashes at run time and...
[8 replies] Last: Rebuilding it fixed my problem. Thanks. (by DeadEli)
_tcscpy_s Problem??
Hey, another problem regarding Windows Via C/C++. I know why none of it's code is working for me: the book is aimed toward Visual C++, which i do not use (I use...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, but I managed to figure it out. I had to include <tchar.h> ... (by AceDawg45)
How to use string functions with winapi?
So, I am making a program (in win32) that picks an episode of a TV show randomly. I want to make a function string EpisodePicker() that will pick the episode,...
[3 replies] Last: You can keep confusion at bay by always remembering that the WinApi fu... (by freddie1)
GTKmm undefined reference to `Gtk::Main::Main(int&, char**&, bool)' gtkmm-2.4
Hello there, I am trying to get a C++ program working with Win7, Eclipse, MinGW and gtkmm-2.4. It says there are plenty of undefined references although I thin...
[1 reply] : its linker error which mean you clearly didny include something, or re... (by tath)
by vodi
How to switch from Metro to Desktop
Hi, How to check if the Metro interface is running in foreground on Win_8 and how to switch into desktop mode ? I need My application to run in desktop mode b...
[4 replies] Last: RPEnabled works only on windows 8 preview. Thanks for Your time. (by vodi)
OpenGL Errors in Visual Studio 2013
I am trying to change to use Visual Studio 2013 instead of Code Blocks for my IDE. I am trying to run a project I already made and when it tries to build, it gi...
[3 replies] Last: Welcome to Visual Studio, where this kind of things shouldn't happen,... (by Disch)
by lmsmi1
What? Stops working? Ha!
I'm coding this program so I can use it in CMD (for the hell of it, it's just one of those "messing around" applications). It runs fine, but then the program st...
[2 replies] Last: Don't use HWND_DESKTOP, too. Use a plain 0. And on line 4, it shou... (by S G H)
SDL Fatal Error LNK1120 (Visual C++)
So I have been following this setup tutorial: And after attempting to build ...
[1 reply] : You are mixing debug and release builds in the same projrct. Most like... (by modoran)
Windows.h and ofstream conflict
Hi everybody! I have a problem in this test code. The compiler gives me " expected primary expression before << " when i try to print on file. But if I comment...
[4 replies] Last: i didn't know it was possible doing it!! yeah, i prefer to use #undef ... (by devsoft91)
by phlox
enabling and disabling monitors
I want to write a program for computers with multiple monitors, where it would let you enable and disable the various monitors. For example if you had 2 screens...
[no replies]
Connecting to MSSQL using C++ (Not visual C++)
Hi all, I am using Code::Blocks for writing C++ code. I am trying to find on the internet, with no success, how to connect to a Microsoft SQL 2008 R2 server ...
[1 reply] : You just need an appropriate connection string. http://www.unixodbc.o... (by kbw)
Restarting after a break
When I was working I used BCB6 and was quite proficient. I wrote (over a number of years) a complete schools admin program. Now that I have retired I'd still li...
[1 reply] : Hi, C++ is those languages which have power but for simple things, it... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
March 2014 Pages: 123456
  Archived months: [feb2014] [apr2014]

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