Beginners - February 2013 (Page 8)

assignment operator count
in the following code how many assignment operations occur? if the if statement is true 50% of the time? I need some help dose not seem hard but my number is w...
[2 replies] Last: Taking into account that the if statement is true 50% then the total n... (by vlad from moscow)
If else if
Having trouble with the output for this program. Need it to prompt an error when inputting a negative number or anything over 9. when i try this, it gives me a ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks so much! (by joeydal)
by Ratzer
User input into int array
So I am doing a question in class and I can't seem to get the program to place the user input into the array and then display each of the results back to me at ...
[4 replies] Last: You are amazing and I want to kiss you. Thank you!!!! (by Ratzer)
adding vector indexes
I am taking input of 1,2 or 3 from user and storing them in the vector. I want to add the 1s,2s or 3s and get the cout the results of majority, secondary and th...
[no replies]
by da11as
Linked List Problem
I'm having some trouble getting my linked list to work, here is the prompt. Write a function with three parameters. The first parameter is a head pointer for a...
[3 replies] Last: Do you have a function in the head_ptr that returns the next node? (by yelnatz)
Need help with struct [turboc++4.5]
I'm a student studying c++ in class and here struct with array i don't know what to do now cause it instantly crash when i compile this, no error message at all...
[no replies]
Help with a copy constructor.
I'm given this code and I have to write a copy constructor for it, however I don't understand how pointers work really and I'm just getting confused. Any help w...
[12 replies] Last: @Zaita A copy constructor is created by default that will assign all ... (by vlad from moscow)
passing a argument of function as an address
I try to understand the output of the folowing code ( 10 ), but it looks too complicate .I guess it is connected with dinamic memory alloc. but i'm not shure. ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank's a lot (by fitipaldi)
No Output to file
So, my program will compile. However, Something in this function is not sending my cryptogram file out to the encrypt02.txt file. Help? void CryptEncryp...
[3 replies] Last: I'm asking if the Original vector actually has something in it before ... (by yelnatz)
I'm having trouble with my Merge Sort - tried it a couple different ways and this small bug wont go away - WHY???
I have created a program that first sorts a series of numbers that are input dynamically then an option is given to either use a sequential search or a Binary s...
[no replies]
by Alex91
call by reference function
I am trying to get my 'findMax' function to work, but I am not sure what to name the first part of my parameter list. I know what I have done is wrong because ...
[no replies]
a problem in the c++algorithm I typed #include <iostream> using namespace std; bool ok(int a,int b, int c,int n) { if (a+b+c==n) return true; els...
[6 replies] Last: I notice that.but I still can't find the difference of for {} and for... (by DANNY123)
Missing ; HELP!
When I compile my program it says I'm missing a semi colon before my called function Cryptencryption in line 25! Please help!! void Menu() { vec...
[1 reply] : Your brackets are out of line for the if statements. Remove them all, ... (by rcast)
declaring variables in a while loop question
I am in a situation where I need to create a new instance of a vector at every iteration of a loop. I don't want to declare it outside the loop and "clear" it e...
[1 reply] : You are correct in your assumption. myvec will essentially go out of s... (by Branflakes91093)
Numbers up to 99 only?
I need to create a program and part of the program has a variable that cannot be any higher than the number 99. In other words, how do i make it so the user can...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by ADTR2012)
by vbaa12
HELP! i have to deliver this work tomorow!
I'm making a program that calculates the sales of electrical energy but it is not working properly! can someone help me? this work is for tomorrow! grateful. #...
[3 replies] Last: Please put your code in the source code brackets. The <> button to the... (by ADTR2012)
Problems with class grade average program.
This is what I am supposed to do for my program: You will write a program that takes the number of tests, assignments, labs, and quizzes taken in a given ...
[no replies]
Using isalpha in while loop. Enter infinite loop
I just started C++ programming. As I was trying to: Determine the biggest number entered by user using while loop. Everything works fine, but I realize that ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks again guys. I really learn a lot . This is my first question on... (by jinified)
by Rogge
I don't understand my errors
You have invented a vending machine capable of deep frying twinkies. Write a program to simulate the vending machine. It costs $3.50 to buy a deep-fried twinkie...
[6 replies] Last: There were a logical error. But, if you take out the total variable de... (by Rogge)
THIS IS MY CODE #include <iostream> #include <math.h> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { // declare variables int sa...
[2 replies] Last: First things first: not that I hold it against you, but you technicall... (by kaseron)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 678910... 67
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