General C++ Programming - February 2013 (Page 12)

Reference related
Assume you had a struct: struct a{ unsigned long long ref; void*p; }b; To get the memory address of a pointer. Then assume you had a class for stor...
[2 replies] Last: 1. With this you could prevent memory leaks. 2. Fake label, is an atta... (by closed account 9y8C5Di1)
Using Mod Operator for problem
I have to make a program that goes as follows: A company manufactures doodles which are then shipped to customers. Four sizes of shipping boxes are used: Hu...
[6 replies] Last: exactly what greenleaf800073 did. You get number of each box by di... (by Smac89)
by stdeez
help please
implement function readFile. In this function, read in all integers in the file and store each integer in the array passed to it, updating size and numInts as n...
[1 reply] : Use a for-loop and each time the for-loop value reaches 10, print a ne... (by Smac89)
istream error
So I've made this program for my class, but I keep getting the same error, any help would be much appreciated. Here is the code in complexx.h class complex {...
[6 replies] Last: std is a namespace. (by AbstractionAnon)
Getting handle for a thread
Is there any way I can get the handle of an external thread without using the function " OpenThread "? I use VC++98 and it doesn't seem to implement that specif...
[no replies]
what to do now?
hi, i attend a class in college. so it's pretty much cover all the basic of c++ till we go on inheritance, pointer and etc. then i stop studying coz of some pro...
[4 replies] Last: for example. ill start with making a simple calculator with gui. i thi... (by hacknayan)
Problem calling template functions
How do I call these functions from Mechanical.h??? Mechanical.h #ifndef MECHANICAL_H_ #define MECHANICAL_H_ class statics { public: template<class...
[1 reply] : try making the struct outside of it and making a pointer to it in the ... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Help c++
Write a program that displays n depth * pyramid. For example,Input: 4 Output: * *** ***** ******* This is what i have so far but it not ...
[1 reply] : Think about the question. So starting at zero, you need to print (2x +... (by Smac89)
Custom 1 MB file stream buffers?
The code below may, or may not, end up in the LZW article I'm currently working on. I need you to tell me if this is stupid, and if so, why. Thanks. #inc...
[no replies]
by skpdh
Trouble in calling subroutines within a dll
Hello everyone, Note: I had this posted in beginner's forum, but thought this is the appropriate location. I am new to C++ and the whole Object oriented p...
[3 replies] Last: There are two ways to link to functions in a DLL. Static binding and ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by maiko
Setting the value of a pointer from function
I declared a pointer in main with value 0, so I want to change its value so that it points to other variable from a function, I guess the function creates a cop...
[7 replies] Last: You're Welcome ^^ (by S G H)
Help with Stacks...
Hi guys, I am new to stacks and need help.. 1) Why does this program not pop out the correct information. It should pop out "5 4 3 2 1"... 2)If anyone would...
[3 replies] Last: return exits the function. So your top-- line is never being executed... (by jjroyale)
Write a program that displays a square box with “@” whose side is specified by a variable “side”. The value of “side” will be input from the user ...
[3 replies] Last: Think about what that square looks like. Take a simple 4x4 square: (ig... (by LB)
Create a program that will display all the composite numbers from 0 to 1000 and has a maximum column of 5 . A composite number is a positive integer that has at...
[6 replies] Last: Please DO NOT double post your questions! You have people already hel... (by cnoeval)
by geran6
How to plot a 2d tilemap with opengl?
I am in the process of learning opengl in hopes of using it for 2d rendering. I tried to write a quick test to plot a simple map of quads but i can't get the ri...
[no replies]
by D 324
i keep getting a primary expression expected before ')' error and i dont know how to fix it lines 111 and 112 #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #incl...
[1 reply] : diceValue = IdentifySide(DiceSideT); cout << "You got a " << Ident... (by TheIdeasMan)
Some Problems - integrating dll
Hi guys, at the moment im trying to integrate an dll in my project (first time). i copy the lib and dll to my project-directory and the header to my inclu...
[1 reply] : Problem solved. Problem was a misspelling x-/ (by trialanderror usually)
Simplification of code
I have the following function which determines whether there is a word in a set that begins with a certain string: bool Dictionary::prefixExists(string prefi...
[7 replies] Last: Glad it helped. (by Stewbond)
by AZ6190
Biologist needs HELP! Write a program that can search an internet database for a given condition.
Hello! I need help writing a fairly simple program (in any coding language, but preferably C++) that can isolate all of the human monomeric protein-protein i...
[no replies]
Create a program in C++ that will enter a limit of the loop using for loop statement. FOR LOOP -->> 3 limit for ( ) for ( ) for ( ) cout SA...
[9 replies] Last: Than make it less than or equal to (<=)... (by HiteshVaghani1)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 43
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