Lounge - April 2014 (Page 8)

by kw1991
need user feedback on game
Hi everyone, I am currently creating an Android game application and I need to get some user feedback. I would really appreciate to know what you think of the ...
[no replies]
by xismn
Stylistic choice?
I've always thought that writing int* iptr; int& iref; was more appropriate than writing int *iptr; int &iref; Since it specifies the type. I know white...
[5 replies] Last: Ohh my mistake I thought you were talking about declaring multiple var... (by CodeGazer)
help changing my operating system
Hi , i have just built a gaming pc, and i want to uninstall ubuntu 12.04 and install windows 7. great if someone could give me some help.
[4 replies] Last: [quote=ne555]ask microsoft for support lol funny. I saw this somewher... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by Daleth
No longer able to find library
I've been using this static library I made, which used to work perfectly fine. Now, after editing some code for the project, not touching the IDE settings and ...
[3 replies] Last: Update: I'm an idiot. For some reason, the path I set for the linker ... (by Daleth)
April's fool (1,2)
Its 12:28AM - 1 April 2014 here. So I'd better warn you guys in advance lol, be careful out there tomorrow. People will try to pull of their "April fool" trick ...
[22 replies] Last: > hardly the 'neutral territory' required by the world tournament rule... (by JLBorges)
Hamachi Git Server? (1,2)
I'm curious on how I can set up a Git Server with Hamachi. I'd usually just pay for hosting to do this, but I don't want people to have access to my source code...
[20 replies] Last: You can just type in the address in a svn client and have instant acc... (by helios)
Adoption by Homosexual Couples (1,2,3,...,33,34,35,36)
So today in philosophy we had a debate, *title* and it shocked me that even in the younger population which was born in a society that continuously raises aware...
[717 replies] Last: @ Cheraphy: Add Thursday to it too lol. And if you wish to know PM me ... (by Stormboy)
When censoring a song almost goes wrong!
Watch this lol (made me laugh like "lmfao"): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R49cP5V7Y4
[no replies]
Anybody know how to make a small search engine for a website?
So, I am working on a school website, and am making a thing for the library where you can search for books and their availability. Well, how would I do that exa...
[11 replies] Last: Use a dedicated framework for it. E.g. Solr (for a small library) or E... (by rapidcoder)
April 2014 Pages: 1... 678
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