Lounge - April 2014 (Page 6)

Some good inspiration
I stumbled across this guys page looking for a web app for making state machines. Some really good work he does. madebyevan.com/
[1 reply] : :D this is really cool. especially the fsm. i needed one (by Little Bobby Tables)
Low Profile Card in a Tower?
I have a tower, and I'm looking into buying a better graphics card for it. I see low-profile cards for the GPU I'm looking to purchase, but I don't know if it w...
[9 replies] Last: The card fits and works perfectly. Thanks for the help. (by closed account N36fSL3A)
ITT Technical Corporation
I was being unproductive yesterday watching "The Big Valley" (or maybe "Gunsmoke") when an ITT Tech commercial came on. I believe that I saw that they have a CE...
[3 replies] Last: Funny, I've heard nothing but negative from for-profit schools like IT... (by ResidentBiscuit)
HTML5 player on android
Does anybody know how to videos that require a html5 player to play the videos to work on android? Im trying to watch videos from www.3DBuzz.com to learn c++.
[4 replies] Last: I suggest, Google. e.g. http://www.broken-links.com/2010/07/08/makin... (by Mats)
Computer Science or Computer Information Technologies
I need some advice, I really do not know where else to ask. I just received my Associates Degree in computer science from a community college. My community coll...
[2 replies] Last: Congrats on the AS degree in CS. I'm in the middle of mine at a CC, an... (by leo255)
Computer Science College
Considering I have the ability to go to any school in Michigan or around Michigan, preferably in Michigan but anywhere around is fine. Well what would be a good...
[1 reply] : Just out of curiosity, did you apply to any other schools, like UC Ber... (by leo255)
by BlakeK
cplusplus.com heartbleed
Hey everyone. To anyone that doesn't know, the Heartbleed bug [ http://heartbleed.com/ ] was announced earlier this week. I noticed that cplusplus.com is runn...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the info everyone. I was clueless as to who to ask, and I k... (by BlakeK)
Decompile and recompile for another architecture
I have a binary file which has been compiled for processors with 24-bit registers and 24-bit addressing. I'd like to "rehost" the application on an x86 or x64 ...
[11 replies] Last: Here's my two cents. OP haven't really specified what is that 24-bit ... (by Abramus)
Paranoid About People Stealing My Username
I don't know why, but I'm extremely paranoid about people stealing my username on online websites. I think it's pretty original, and I actually like it, so I st...
[11 replies] Last: I have several I alternate through. Cheraphy happens to be the most us... (by Cheraphy)
by LB
Useful Abuse
I found this neat trick: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> signed main(unsigned, char const *const *args_a) { std::basic_string<ch...
[1 reply] : Did you stumbled upon fact that argv is always a null pointer and t... (by MiiNiPaa)
BBC (1,2,3)
I am planning on making a game based on doctor who and, if i want to distribute it i will need rights from bbc. so i was wondering if anyone knows how someone w...
[46 replies] Last: I realize it is just an example, but Dr. Shoe? I have to admit I died ... (by BHX)
Does anyone know what is the best approach to getting involved in a c++ project? websites to reference; projects that can get students noticed and of that sort...
[6 replies] Last: Fork, make changes, submit PR, and we'll either accept it, or deny it ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Operating Systems for Summer Class
Hello, I'm wondering about other people's experience taking the fundamentals of operating systems class. I was thinking about taking it over an 8 week summer...
[6 replies] Last: I was referring to 15 week course (standard in the US). 45 weeks of on... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Hey all, first time here! I'm trying to work out how evernote roughly works. Could anyone shed some light on whether I'm on the right track here. From wha...
[12 replies] Last: AFAIK, all MySQL provides is a C interface. People have written bindi... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by nvrmnd
Sublime Text 2 font looks ugly (xubuntu)
Hi, i've recently upgraded libfontconfig because codeblocks 13.12 requires it, but after the installation, sublime text font became somewhat ugly ( or is it ...
[9 replies] Last: I love using terminus font, its amazing (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
by Mats
APIs and the web - Where to start?
I have some games that I would like to communicate with sites like Kongregate and GameJolt using their APIs (or in GameJolt's case, maybe having to make an API!...
[5 replies] Last: is there a pdf of it? (by Little Bobby Tables)
I got here through a joke...
Write your question here. Hello, I have been trying to find a computer joke for years. I saw C+++ with other computer jokes, but I don't know exactly where to a...
[1 reply] : Here is a GIF version: http://imgur.com/m2tmbYw (by MiiNiPaa)
changing the laws of physics (1,2)
so when i was doing the dishes last night, i came up with a thought. I found it quite interesting, but the problem is it is a physics question and the only thin...
[23 replies] Last: Since I didn't give any reply to the OP's original question: anyways... (by Stormboy)
by xismn
Turing Machine / Turing completeness?
Hello, I've been programming for some years, and I've had a great interest in computers and technology in general for a very long time. However, I never real...
[2 replies] Last: If you want a nice intro to P vs NP, I found this video to be quite ed... (by Mats)
by ntran
Programming the finite element method
Can someone suggest a book (or any other kind of source) for learning to program the finite element method? If possible, oriented to c++. Thanks.
[no replies]
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