Lounge - April 2014 (Page 5)

Assembly access violation
I am following this tutorial: http://www.drpaulcarter.com/pcasm/ So i got to my first program i have copied everything. ; file: first.asm ; First assembly pr...
[4 replies] Last: Use gdb! Compile your assembly code with debugging symbols and step th... (by ultifinitus)
What`s new in C++14
What is new in C++14. Does anyone have a link as when I search on google it gives me a wikipedia page that never ends. And how can you get those features?...
[6 replies] Last: I always link to this now when I see any C++14 questions. http://mee... (by BHX)
by ahcfan
Are there any good, simple to use zip libs? (1,2)
I need one that supports 4GB+ archives.
[23 replies] Last: http://sqlite.org/copyright.html I appreciate public domain. (by closed account oSGzwA7f)
by izzo75
question about c++
Hey everyone, I just got into c++ programming a couple weeks ago. So far am learning this at a slow pace but enjoying everything I am learning. However I want ...
[13 replies] Last: So, learning the basic C++ syntax such as templates, overloading is ... (by Little Bobby Tables)
by LB
Intuition & random tidbits
I have a theory about intuition. I have a very good intuition, and I think it's less because I am intelligent and more because I have a load of random trivias m...
[7 replies] Last: Lexicographers are often very conservative when writing. It covers ... (by Duthomhas)
C++ books
What are good books for learning c++ game development. Im looking for something that starts from the complete beginning with something like hello world and work...
[18 replies] Last: Yea its pretty much your choice on what you want. Just look at the rev... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
Has anybody ever bought a membership or dvd or streaming videos from this website? If so is it worth it? I've been watching the free videos in 2d gaming for int...
[4 replies] Last: Personally, I like videos because they are basically lectures without ... (by admkrk)
Native vs ART vs Dalvik performance comparison
http://www.learnopengles.com/a-performance-comparison-between-java-and-c-on-the-nexus-5/ As you can see, native code is much much faster. Do you think more cod...
[no replies]
Math level?
What a good math level to have for game programming? I've taken pre-calc and will retake it to refresh myself and move onto calc I. My school offers a The Compu...
[12 replies] Last: That does help a lot. Math is my favorite subject but I dropped calc I... (by football52)
by Disch
I hate sports and sport culture (1,2,3,4)
It's true. I realized this earlier today. I hate everything about it. Sports are boring to watch, everyone involved is paid way too much, most athletes are...
[66 replies] Last: It'd probably make more sense if BHX Specter didn't write things compl... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Reputation System
I think Cplusplus forum should invent a reputation system to rank up members and give privileges. These kind of things motivate the members to interact with the...
[13 replies] Last: This forum is fine the way it is, and I'm fond of it's simplicity. Y... (by Hippogriff)
Installation Blues: SFML
I'm trying to follow the installation instructions on the SFML site, but no matter what I do I get an error. I'm using Code::Blocks with GCC MINGW. http://ww...
[10 replies] Last: Make sure you have specified the correct paths according to where you ... (by htirwin)
Computer got wiped
So I used my computer this morning with no problems, everything was working flawlessly. I just opened it and turned it on about an hour ago and came up and ever...
[7 replies] Last: +1 Lowest0ne , this could be as simple as a profile or permissions co... (by Computergeek01)
by LB
Private Interfaces
I haven't seen anything like this in my research, so if this is already a known thing, please link me to the articles on it. Nearly everyone will tell you that...
[11 replies] Last: [quote=TheIdeasMan]Just wondering how this is different to making add... (by LB)
Mario Party Editor Idea
While looking at the fairly recent Mario Party releases I couldn't help but wonder why I have never seen a "Mario Party-like" editor made by any indie developer...
[1 reply] : I feel that it is just one of those game concepts that Nintendo and on... (by Ispil)
Advice on SATA Cables?
So, I had gotten my parts today on my computer (if you haven't noticed, I have been posting about it for the past week). And my Power Supply, Disc Drive, and HD...
[2 replies] Last: So, my SATAs are good. But... Are there anything else I am missing? It... (by AceDawg45)
Meet Kelvin.
[1 reply] : I`ve seen this before (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
NASA secret technology (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Do you ever wonder about the advanced secret tech that NASA now has? Just think that in the 1970s they had smartphone technology. By now they must have stuff th...
[133 replies] Last: actually link to a post before making an accusation like that He can... (by BHX)
Stop Skype from giving away your IP
Hello there, I love skype and hate it. I hate it because people can get your IP with it. I had a case before that someone DDOSed me because of skype. It ...
[6 replies] Last: i was just asking because it wouldnt be as heavy a process as skype (by Little Bobby Tables)
The insect running around inside my computer screen
is a feature, not a bug.
[11 replies] Last: Hahahahahaha so so funny (by popa6200)
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