Lounge - April 2014 (Page 7)

How to install drivers when building a pc?
So, I am ordering parts today and something is making me a bit anxious (*title*). How do I install the drivers for the parts? I have no idea where to start. D...
[5 replies] Last: Well I presume your hardware is new and they will have drivers for the... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
What do companies want in a programmer (1,2)
I've browsed the Jobs section a few times just being nosy but I noticed that even with about 3 years study in C/C++ I haven't got a clue about a lot of what peo...
[25 replies] Last: I would look at geeksforgeeks.org. They occasionally post interview q... (by Cody0023)
by helios
Ruin the next week of your life
http://gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048/ I put forward the conjecture that the best player is a uniform RNG modulo 4.
[16 replies] Last: 35504! Got 2048 + 1024 + 512 + 128 + 128 :) (by Stewbond)
My snake Game
I made this about three months ago. #include<iostream> #include<Windows.h> #include<string> #include<conio.h> #include<fstream> #include<ctime> using na...
[1 reply] : Now do this using a curses implementation. ;D (by NoXzema)
Elapsed Time
Can someone help me on using elapsed time, my code doesn't work. Please edit it for me. int time=10; if(t.elapsedTime()>time) { cout<<"You ran out of t...
[5 replies] Last: thanks a lot. (by bobthezealot)
by Disch
Free game recommendation: Touhou Wandering Souls
So I have gotten HOOKED on this freeware PC game. And it's weird... because as I try to describe it... there are so many things that are red flags. Things that...
[16 replies] Last: I just started a new game. (by Disch)
by cire
A little fun with google.
[no replies]
by zsteve
8086 emulator - ideas please!
I'm making an emulator for the 8086 https://github.com/zsteve/hard86 I'd like to have some input on what features it should have Its primary feature woul...
[6 replies] Last: The concept of emulation is actually very straight forward. The easies... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Debate over the theory of graphics output (1,2)
I started a thread on OSdev which lead to a debate which has had no closure or mutual agreement. Here's the link to the thread (debate starts 5 or so posts in):...
[22 replies] Last: [quote=Computergeek01]This was a silly thing to say in the way that it... (by BHX)
[Debate]Using the STL in Games (1,2)
To avoid further derailing SatsumaBenji's thread, I've decided to make my own. Do any of you think I, or any Game/Engine programmer should use the STL in gam...
[25 replies] Last: This thread came from a separate thread ( http://www.cplusplus.com/for... (by BHX)
What are the "secrets" of this site formatting?
Hello. I know that this site have something like start the code at line n , or show who are you quoting. But how can I do these things? Where can I learn?
[1 reply] : There's an article here that has the details... http://www.cplusplus.c... (by wildblue)
by leo255
Feel like my programming skills are not improving (need advice)
Hello, I am currently at a Community College, doing my pre-req's (currently middle of my second semester, or third if you include winter intersession) so that ...
[3 replies] Last: Trust me, you will learn exponentially more in a few days on your own ... (by BlakeK)
by LB
Physical location / lines on a map
[quote=ne555] This content is not available in your country I think it's ludicrous that the rules you must abide by change depending on your geospatial pos...
[13 replies] Last: How would you govern this unbounded world? I think it's perfectly san... (by MrHutch)
How many programming languages have you dabbled in?
And how many are you proficient in? A friend and I were discussing the different languages we've tried and their differences, I had trouble remembering all ...
[17 replies] Last: My list is small Proficient C++ Python Although more with python t... (by metulburr)
New C++ standard
Hello, I came across this on G+ http://wiki.hsr.ch/PeterSommerlad/files/TFZ-C++14Standard.pdf It looks like huge changes. What do you think about these i...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=LB]What's with the weird grammar in that article? I had a hard ... (by BHX)
by LB
Why are novice programmers forced to learn linked lists?
Linked lists are an optimization technique used in only a few specialized cases, such as when the objects in the linked list are large and expensive to copy. Ev...
[16 replies] Last: I always had trouble with vague assignments in school, but I realize n... (by LB)
People these days
You're sitting in front of a machine that can, in milliseconds, give you access to all accumulated knowledge of the human race from the beginning of its recorde...
[4 replies] Last: This content is not available in your country (by ne555)
by Manga
Blender anyone?
So I was thinking of maybe starting a blender study group. If this sounds like a good idea to anyone, and maybe you would want to join, then let me know.
[11 replies] Last: The Specter is right! I am awsome. You know, I felt the same way wh... (by Manga)
Idea to reduce server latency
This only applies to remote protocols with horrible efficiency... like Minecraft or Teamspeak. So we know that software sometimes doesn't design things like...
[14 replies] Last: The protocol that the fake server uses would obviously have to be suit... (by NoXzema)
Giving away my C++ Mini Arcade for free
So i wanted to share this program i made, its about 2000 lines long Any idea how to post it cause i cant post more than 8000 words
[1 reply] : There is https://pastebin.com or https://gist.github.com/ if you just ... (by CodeGazer)
April 2014 Pages: 1... 5678
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