Lounge - June 2014 (Page 4)

by Disch
I normally hate rap... but...
I normally hate rap... but this song.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1SKf9YU4QQ
[2 replies] Last: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pgPq4FGWfk (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Sites for Financial Programming?
So! I've been living in New York recently, and I've been hearing tales of the rather lucrative financial programming industry. I've heard stories that there ...
[10 replies] Last: In that case you should also like http://www.nuclearphynance.com/ (by Cubbi)
Moores law
Moores law basically says that computer grows exponentially but what if people stop inovating in engineering and computer power doesn't grow exponentially so wh...
[1 reply] : Its not a law (its a bit of a joke), and if you look back on it, Moore... (by TwilightSpectre)
This site's source code
I am curious: Is cplusplus.com written in c++? The site seems to execute rather quickly. I would be very interested to see what the source code looks like. I...
[11 replies] Last: @Little Bobby Tables No, I don't mean discussions like this one. I mea... (by BHX)
Sharing: Found a great video lesson resouce.
[no replies]
psychotropic medication
Go back in time for a moment to the 1950s. The CIA were running 'Project MKUltra' a project in which they were trying to develop mind control methods. One of th...
[18 replies] Last: @ Disch : It seems to be getting to that point doesn't it? (by Computergeek01)
HELP! I have the dumb, I need to get my concentration together before a maths exam
Perhaps someone knows how to make the brain nice n sharp and crystal? I keep hurrying everything I want to pay attention to and cant focus as much as I normally...
[19 replies] Last: thanks guys, been really busy wiv studyin and all that, I think you we... (by devonrevenge)
Any gamers?
Any gamers that pkay battlefield 3 or 4 for pc? Im looking for some people to play with as I just recently moved over to pc games and dont have many friends tha...
[6 replies] Last: Eh I figure games out pretty quickly. I looked up gameplay of it and i... (by football52)
What's your src format preference.
I suppose this only really woks using the same language so I'm gonna say for C++. But I started using Unity3D and MonoDevelop which comes with it seems to have ...
[13 replies] Last: in mathematics usually the trigonometric functions and logarithmic fu... (by MiiNiPaa)
Cheap or durable hardware
A friend of mine have a razer mouse cost around $50 ( I don't know which version it is, perhaps it's razer naga ) He said that it's very durable. he have bee...
[6 replies] Last: SK-2800, that keyboard looks very old, How can your keyboard still wor... (by rmxhaha)
Number Base Jokes (1,2)
How many different number base jokes can you think of? I got 2 of these from Numberphile but really like them XD Their are 10 types of people in the world ...
[24 replies] Last: *rimshot* instantrimshot.com (by Little Bobby Tables)
Language question
This may not be the right place to ask, since this is a c++ forum. But i'll try anyway. I dont know what language I want to learn. I want to to make either mo...
[9 replies] Last: just to put it out there... i make websites with a LAMP stack and make... (by Little Bobby Tables)
I have a strange, unresolved programming error with Wind River Diab...
It's a specialized version, apparently, of the Wind River Diab compiler that my professor set up for me to code a very specific program under his guidelines ......
[1 reply] : Pointers generally need to point to something. There are some exceptio... (by Computergeek01)
Indie games
What language would be best to learn to build little indie games such as braid, fez, or little meat boy. I really want to start this and don't know what languag...
[6 replies] Last: if you want to develop cross platform games with one code base I would... (by AkramIzzeldin)
Opensource project advice
Hello i am c/c++/c# developer with good knowledge in these languages I’ve never attempted to any open-source project therefore, i would like to give it a try...
[6 replies] Last: Yes of course. Contributing to existing projects is very useful and it... (by Auroch)
Is Logic in Programming NOW important?
Hi, I recently though languages like C#, VB (Other .NET languages) and such are kind of ruining our original Programming Glory, our heritage. To elaborat...
[11 replies] Last: [quote=CodeGazer]So personally in my opinion being library dependent i... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Shameless self-promotion
Hello everybody! I first found about this site a few years ago when my interest in programming began. Back then (and still to this day) there were many others l...
[no replies]
Typing Habbit
Just not so long ago I began learning how to touch type or just typing really fast or typing with ten fingers. I try to put each fingers where they should be. ...
[13 replies] Last: Well ya'll got me beat(23 wpm according to that site). In my opinion ... (by admkrk)
June 2014 Pages: 1234
  Archived months: [may2014] [jul2014]

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