Windows Programming - April 2012 (Page 2)

by NeXy96
How to calculate the square root of a REALLY BIG NUMBER?
I think the title says it all.. I really need your help.. This is the task I have to solve until my next competition, and I dunno what to do.. I have never solv...
[7 replies] Last: thanks guys, I'll see what I can do and notify you If there are any pr... (by NeXy96)
Keep application focus while Windows is Locked
I am looking for a way to have my application stay on the screen while Windows is locked. Has anyone been able to do this? I have Lync 2010 as my Phone syst...
[1 reply] : The lock screen is an entirely different desktop, and only very few ap... (by webJose)
Writing a more accurate Sleep-Timer
Hello, I just noticed that the Sleep function provided by the windows.h header is pretty inaccurate. I just wonder if there is a better solution to this prob...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks a lot, I will have a look on those! (by BeyondWorldsEnd)
Visual c++:one project by solution or several?
Hi, I am using visual c++ 2008 and i would like to know if the choice/method is to have a project by solution or to have all similar projects in only one sol...
[3 replies] Last: Some unit tests are custom, others based on CppUnit. http://sourceforg... (by andywestken)
Need a good tutorial for this.
Hey all i am in a need of a tutorial for windows programming. I know C++ now i need this :). Can someone give me tutorial object with all possible explanations ...
[1 reply] : First tutorial. (by blackcoder41)
Button class problem
Can you please help me find problem in my code? ti works fine until sends message to parent window. HANDLE CALLBACK GetScreenshot(RECT rc) { HD...
[1 reply] : Use code tags. See . (by webJose)
return registry subkeys values like vector TCHAR
i have this code to list registry key values and subkeys TCHAR achKey ; // buffer for subkey name retCode = RegQueryInfoKey( hKey, // key handle achClass, //...
[1 reply] : Use code tags ( ) so we can rea... (by webJose)
visual C# picturebox
How can i program a button to change a picturebox image by clicking. picturebox1.image = ?
[2 replies] Last: webJose is right! mrmarzban, it's simple answer picturebox1.Image = I... (by NeXy96)
Fog and massive terrain? (DirectX)
If I created a huge and massive randomly generated terrain (so huge that no computer could handle it), will the fog system in DirectX be able to allow players t...
[3 replies] Last: Is there also a term in game development that refer to this kind of t... (by shacktar)
Windows GUI theme
Hello, I am trying to find out how to change the look for the buttons Close, Maximize/restore and Minimize. I have seen the used in Google Chrome, iTunes, ETC...
[3 replies] Last: thanks, that example really helped. (by codeman)
by HenryJ
Codelite Bug, Please Help!!!
Hi everyone, I have a problem with my debugger, it is that when I debug my program, it comes up with runtime errors. When I run my program separately, no errors...
[5 replies] Last: You don't supply enough context for any useful speculations. It isn't... (by cire)
by HenryJ
What event does a wxwidget program generate when its run?
Hi guys,I need a bit of help here, I'm using wxWidgets and I want a function to be executed when the program is run, what event is generated when a program is r...
[1 reply] : Isn't it that you have to override the OnInit member function of wxApp... (by blackcoder41)
image processing reference
I'm looking for image processing. can i have some references or some author name in this field?
[1 reply] : Is google blocked in your country? (by TheDestroyer)
error using graphics in devcpp
[5 replies] Last: Well, shouting posts aside, Dev-Cpp from Bloodshed is outdated and dea... (by BHX)
program won't run without the Qt IDE
Hi - I've written a couple of programs within the Qt Creator IDE. It's noteworthy that neither of them require any of the Qt classes or libraries; I'm using ...
[8 replies] Last: I'm a physicist, and I often do tough calculations that require very h... (by TheDestroyer)
How to find a window handle of the current process.
Have a library function which may or may not need to create a window. If it does create a window, and the user closes the min window, MFC gets into a weird sta...
[3 replies] Last: Solution from another forum, clunky but tested, works. static BOOL CA... (by Bill Kelley)
How to set which display window opns?
On dual display systems, what determines which display a window opens on? That is, I want to use ATL 8.1 to open a window with Create(), but it does not see...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for all the answers! That's perfect. Even makes a lot of sense,... (by Bill Kelley)
block keys in keyboard (msdos)
Hello, i need to make a program that block some keys in the keyboard and activate that keys in a device using the Com or paralel connection. The program will be...
[no replies]
by v8n3t
Return value unable to be converted when no such conversion is needed.
Hello all, I am posting this before I go to sleep after spending a good amount of time on this issue before posting here. When I normally code in C# using...
[2 replies] Last: Mmm, that does look like C++/CLI. We don't have a lot of people on her... (by Albatross)
by dkrush
Problem with exported functions names
I have two functions in my DLL declared as: extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void Func0() and extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall Func1() ...
[2 replies] Last: You can use def file to export your functions name. (by jianc)
April 2012 Pages: 1234... 6
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