Windows Programming - May 2013 (Page 6)

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to allocate memory to a process, write bytes to it and then create a remote thread upon it, but the process keeps freezing, an...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, Look at my recent thread it is related to injection: http://cplus... (by closed account G309216C)
error C2447: missing function header (old-style formal list?)
can someone help me how to solve this 1 error error C2447: missing function header (old-style formal list?) its pointing out the first curly bracket please h...
[1 reply] : int main(); // <--- Remove the ; (by coder777)
is there any function in windows programming like system("CLS") in console? I want to make a window with a circle of yellow color and then clear it and draw a c...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks thats a nice idea. (by Pter0dactyl)
winsoc2.h lib (1,2)
hi, i have develeop the game on c++ with allegro now i want to make multi player means connect 2 pc through internet by ip address ... how to make this ple...
[23 replies] Last: i have game on c++ allegro now i just want to make it multiplayer mea... (by kbw)
How to draw curve line of a function?
Lets say i have a function f(x) = x² , and i want to make my programme to draw the curve line, does the bezier spline will give me an accurate drawing? or ther...
[no replies]
BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON child of non-dialog window: Doesn't receive Enter?
I have a DEFPUSHBUTTON that I have added to my main window using CreateWindowEx: buttonWnd = CreateWindowEx( WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE, L"BUTTON", L"Send Input", WS...
[no replies]
please , cmake error.
so i have MINGW installed like im supposed to from the website. then (im trying to get ogre3d) i try to build the source with cmake and set config to mingw and ...
[1 reply] : i just copied that dll out of mingw/bin to mingw.... and it fixed it..... (by oppositescopes)
Deleting child button window
Using c++, I have created a window with a "WNDCLASS" structure. I have then used "CreateWindow" again with the system class "button" and set the parent handle t...
[4 replies] Last: ShowWindow with SW_HIDE should have made the button disappear? The beh... (by andywestken)
Why is this Injection Not Working
Hi, I needed to learn Injection to inject my hook into a function so I was learning Inline Injection, without DLL or such and basically I created a Proof-Of-Co...
[1 reply] : Don't worry guys I solved it myself. Working code: #include<Windows.h... (by closed account G309216C)
by lmsmi1
I'd like to create a console program for a LAN chat. I'm using Winsock and am also using Jonnie's tutorial (below).
[1 reply] : It is easy to make his code work on a GUI application easily: 1. Crea... (by closed account G309216C)
DLL inclusion
Hi, I am trying to use a method defined in a DLL Project, say, "Project A" and use it in "Project B". The method's declaration, in Project A's header file, is:...
[8 replies] Last: Beatiful! The "mangled" name works! Thanks to andy, and also EssGeEich... (by hansaaa)
by kalkas
Determine Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable needs
Hi I'm writing a progam with C++/CLI. It compiles and runs perfectly on my PC but when I try to run it on another PC it pops up a message: "the application ha...
[4 replies] Last: Only redistributable your end-users needs for C++/CLI is .NET Framewor... (by modoran)
Drawing a bitmap to a window
My goal is to make game "cannon ball" (I hope u know what game i'm tallking about) However, I have problem with drawing a bitmap on window I work in win32 //...
[no replies]
help! i need to work out what n to the minus one quarter is so i can code it
I know that the rule of indecies or powers is that a p/q = q ^a p but how the hell can I work out 2*x -1/4 I cannot grasp the maths in my head no matt...
[12 replies] Last: HA! this saves me from actually having to understand it :P (by devonrevenge)
by lmsmi1
Folding a Single PNG Image Texture over a Cube in GLUT?
If I were to import a solid cube in GLUT with Assimp, how would I fold a texture over the cube itself? My texture is in PNG format and is quite small (16x16), s...
[no replies]
by minime
Memory Leak
Hi, I'm having a memory leak problem with some code. The program runs through a few thousand records and then crashes with a System.AccessViolationException...
[2 replies] Last: In trying to fix my code I have tried to reduce my use of new in order... (by minime)
flush statement
Can anyone tell me how to use the flush statement? Please write me a hello world program that displays "Hello World!" for 1 second (you might need to use the sl...
[5 replies] Last: Can somebody help? Please? (by megasnorlax)
How to have multiple .cpp files in my program That is the picture, I would want that code in a different file and then some way to get in the main file and use it. Beac...
[5 replies] Last: I have to disagree with giblit. While the included "header files" can... (by keskiverto)
Get Single Character from a String C++ window Form
Hi How to get character 1 by 1 from a string? For Example, in a richtextbox have " Hello World", how i can get the Character 1 by 1 like 1) get "H" 1st t...
[1 reply] : well, if this is a std::string, you should be able to use std::string:... (by hansaaa)
How to create custom search in firefox and Chrome with installer?
See much installers such as the hao123, babylon, etc. .. I would create one of these for my site. Something to stay that way
[1 reply] : what? do I understand correct. You want something to "install" a bar, ... (by hansaaa)
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