Windows Programming - May 2014 (Page 3)

Windows and cpp only not working
So I recently decided to try switching my projects to use cpp files only, which I found a lot easier to work with on linux than those with generated header file...
[3 replies] Last: I think you're misunderstanding what's going on here. I get multiple... (by Lodger)
by Dukats
Simulate piano pressed keys
I need to simulate pressed piano keys with my keyboard, but I can't get it to work. I can get sounds to play when I create the window(execute my code), but not ...
[no replies]
by brick2
netcat call from c++
system("c:\\nc -l -p 1234 -e c:\\windows\\system32\\cmd.exe"); Ok so when I do this it responds with c:\Users\test\nc is not recognized as an internal o...
[1 reply] : visual studios might be trying to run it from there for some reason. t... (by Little Bobby Tables)
"Remove" function triggers antivirus - how to fix?
I am developing a Commodore 65 emulator: Recently, I have added the support of files, to allow users to create BASI...
[3 replies] Last: What AVAST is trying to do here is prevent a certain exploit technique... (by Computergeek01)
by BillH
Using VS 2012 express
Hi. Sorry if this is not the right forum but I was wondering if anyone else has tried to use VS 2012 express on windows 7? I have been using vs 2010 with no pro...
[8 replies] Last: Hi again. I decided to try with vs 2013 express and installed that. Th... (by BillH)
Quarto Game in cpp(console) fo Windows
I wrote a program in cpp, that named Quarto. (more info about game on : ) thats not a good source But it work...
[no replies]
by Son
Hey guys, I'm new to windows programming and I have a problem! I am making a MineSweeper and at the end of the game(when the player hits a mine), i want to ask ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much!!! This is very helpful!! :) (by Son)
making a gui
i am trying to make an application. I have written the code in vs and want to make the gui using qt. Is there a tutorial or step by step methodology to integrat...
[no replies]
by R23MJ
[WIN32] Displaying Text on Key Press
Hello again CPP Forums, I do not know much about WIN32, just a few basics, I usually am a console app kind of guy; however, today I felt it necessary to climb o...
[12 replies] Last: Ok, just got done reading through the whole article, that function is ... (by R23MJ)
C++/CLI WindowsForms CheckedListBox
I'm trying to get CheckedBoxes from 2nd form to previous window, but I dont have idea at all how to do that :/. #pragma endregion private: System::Void bu...
[no replies]
please could anyone
can someone make a red and black tree using SFML ....because i really need... i would appreciate it if someone could make it for me. i really dont know how to u...
[3 replies] Last: You should probably also not post do stuff for me threads in here eith... (by CodeGoggles)
ERROR:IntelliSense: expected a ';
hello , i have this error : IntelliSense: expected a '; i use visual studio 2012 #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <str...
[2 replies] Last: ok tank you the program is running now but compiler has problem with n... (by xratedps)
problems with visual studios 2012
so ive followed every tutorial in installing 2012 Professional i can get my hands on but no matter what i kept getting this error, "Unable to find source". fina...
[1 reply] : Did you try uninstalling and re-installing the product? Maybe a better... (by Avilius)
by Roo2
std::vector has members right after I declare it
Hello, I have a problem in which a global vector that I've defined (as an extern) has 1,000,000 members before I even put anything in it. I originally wrote th...
[no replies]
College for DirectX/OpenGL Programming?
Can someone share a list of colleges that offer these classes..I live in the US so any colleges in the US or ONLINE classes would be great... I have complet...
[3 replies] Last: ok this should be deleted then i posed in the lounge. (by novellof)
How to combine 2 exe?
Hello, I'd like to write a tool to combine 2 .exes into 1. More specifically, if I combine calc.exe and cmd.exe, the resulting .exe should open calc.exe a...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your help modoran. (by gahroar)
Detecting that a cmd window is about to close
Is there anyway to tell a program to do something, like write its current state to a file, before exiting semi-unexpectedly? By semi-unexpectedly I mean like...
[2 replies] Last: atexit is nonsense here, you should use SetConsoleCtrlHandler() API di... (by modoran)
Help with VC++ 2010
I have just started to learn VC++ 2010 but in my first program, I can not open stdafx.h library. Would anyone help me with this problem. Thank you so much.
[1 reply] : Just write that header yourself or set your project to "not using prec... (by modoran)
Detecting that a program was created using Qt?
I downloaded some commercial programs, and want to know if they are Qt-based. How do I do that?
[1 reply] : Ahhh... Just after posting I found this program: (by Just Me)
Help Me (BITMAP & Screen Shot) ?
I'm having a good day but the size of the screen is always the same and quote huge(3.98 Mb) How do I change the type and size it how you want it set out au...
[3 replies] Last: You're using GDI but it doesn't support jpg or png. WIC is Windows' im... (by knn9)
May 2014 Pages: 123456
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