Beginners - February 2013 (Page 5)

Need some help with my assignments
I dont want to be spoonfed code, but I just want to know the way I should go about tackling these two assignments Ive been given. TASK1:TAKE YEAR AS INPUT FROM...
[1 reply] : For the first task, here is a link on how to tell if a year is a leap ... (by Branflakes91093)
"Expected expression" before return
So after putting the nHigh/nLow example (5.9) in Xcode (like I do with all examples), it gave me a warning - expected expression - whilst pointing to retur...
[7 replies] Last: Oh, I never knew that! Thanks! I've always included time.h... lol (: (by Lynx876)
Quick Question.. Menu Navigation?
I am creating a program that has a menu used for navigating around it to different function and whatnot. I was wondering if there is a way to make it so that in...
[5 replies] Last: You put the function calls within the case statements! Replace line 31... (by Lynx876)
by Ch1156
SDL need help with clickable button
Ok so im trying to make a program and i have 1 button in it and when i click it i want it to perform the action to exit out of the program for now just to see i...
[17 replies] Last: You can use SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, but now for both buttons you check if... (by Fransje)
Three Dimensional Array
I don't suppose anyone could give me an example of a three dimensional array? I just need to know the structure of them. I see loads of two dimensional arrays...
[2 replies] Last: What would the output be of that? If you gave those array some number... (by DELB)
Segmentation error on basic_string.h ??
Hey all, I have a akward issue with a basic_string handler in a existing coded mini application. And I cannot figure out why it's doing this, what might be c...
[no replies]
Hello everyone ! Can you make me a program? Pop and Push. Please !
[2 replies] Last: //Apolo, Catherine D. //Caballero, Alvin B. //Dasalla, Justin Roi G. /... (by justinroi21)
3 errors , Please breif me about errors. thanks
//Write a program by using a class to input two values using a member function //of a class . Display the sum of the two values by using another member functi...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks sir i got , i am sorry . (by toseefasim)
Please correct the code it has 3 errors, " int main "
//Write a program to input a date and print on the //screen by using class #include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace s...
[1 reply] : Please paste the error you are getting. For starters the error seem... (by svarg)
overloaded friend operator
Im just trying to create an overloaded friend function (am i phrasing that right?) to add two different types of the class 'coins'. I cannot seem to get the syn...
[6 replies] Last: yeah I see where I derped real hard there about friendship, sorry :p ... (by drew887)
Caeser Shift
Hey guys, I've been practising my C before the new Uni semester starts and I'm having a bit of trouble with this program, #include <stdio.h> #include <str...
[no replies]
Returning Values in Functions?
I understand that when you put things in the parentheses int example(int a, int b) { // code here } you can use the function with other var...
[1 reply] : what you could do is have what most people call a "getter" function an... (by drew887)
I am attempting to make a journal prog.
hello Im trying to make a program to help me keep up with my progress with a journal program, I want the program to store the information I input in the .txt do...
[no replies]
Changing Duplicate Random Numbers
We were assigned to write a program using a Matrix, that displays a table of random numbers from 1-48. In each row (horizontal) there could be NO matching numbe...
[2 replies] Last: We were assigned to write a program using a Matrix, that displays a t... (by cire)
Stream to Vector
This is what I have: #include <fstream> #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { ifstream x...
[1 reply] : You'd need to design a class for this vector to store. Here's a simpli... (by Cubbi)
by ace55
HELP PLEASE Switch Statement for Day Number
Hi everyone, I need to do this assignment and am having trouble as i was absent from class. We were supposed to use the switch statement to convert a date in...
[1 reply] : If you could really put your code into code-tags that would be wonderf... (by drew887)
Why use "private" in c++ classes? What's the point?
I'm trying to get the hang of classes. I understand the need and use of "public:" in classes, but I do not see the need for the "private:". I know private is fo...
[2 replies] Last: I think we have a pretty good tutorial on the subject ( http://www.cpl... (by drew887)
by hckrwb
Void Function
Hi Everyone, Very beginner with C++. Reading some books and trying to write some codes as much as I can. I'm trying to understand what voiding a function...
[5 replies] Last: Sorry if my example was confusing. I tried to be brief, but was actual... (by Chervil)
by djun
How we desactive the precompiled headers?(tdafx.h, targetver.h & stdafx.cpp)
Hi, Im a french canadian who is not very good in english. Im a beginner in C++. I work with visual basic c++ and i dont want to have the precompiled header. ...
[2 replies] Last: Visual basic C++, eh? Visit your project properties: http://s8.postim... (by cire)
by stdeez
int heaviestCar(int arr ,int elements){ int heaviest=0; int carWeight=0; int temp=0; while (temp<elements){ carWeight+=arr ; if (arr ==0){ if (carW...
[8 replies] Last: problem solved. heaviest didnt have a value in main... i thought tha... (by stdeez)
February 2013 Pages: 1... 34567... 67
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