Lounge - May 2014 (Page 5)

Problem with the "Search" feature on this site
Hello Programmers This is the umpteenth time I've got a search failed result after searching something(I was searching for the word 'split' in relation to stri...
[11 replies] Last: It might even be something cached with your browser. Try clearing it a... (by Duthomhas)
Problem with disk image
Since I don't have optical drive I made image of my disc it by borrowing external dvd drive. Now whenever I want to mount this disc image it says please inse...
[12 replies] Last: I suspect there's a miscommunication here. 1. What is the image of? Th... (by helios)
defence against cross site scripting attack
I don't know a whole lot about cross site scripting. I think it means that when someone visits a website malicious code embeds itself into your browser and foll...
[10 replies] Last: IMO applying the principle of least privilege to your browser sessions... (by Computergeek01)
by buraq
Implement a ‘Priority Based’ Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm using C/C++ on Linux.
cant figure out what to do, i am having trouble in combining rr , priority and fcfc algorithm in a single program
[2 replies] Last: This is a standard 'systems' course homework. OP may not actually be m... (by Duthomhas)
Firefox Australis
This is a rant thread. So starting from version... ugh X?? (go on, find the version)... Firefox ships with the Australis interface. I hate it. I've bee...
[11 replies] Last: [quote=helios]Although I don't feel the new interface has anything to ... (by Catfish666)
[Sublime Text] C++ Starting Kit
Hello world ! So, for people who wanted to use Sublime Text for C++ projects but syntax highlighting, build system and documentation didn't really satisfy you....
[5 replies] Last: 100 installs in 3 days !!! :D I'm pretty happy to see how this pl... (by kodLite)
by Disch
What happened to that transsexual thread? (1,2)
Curious. Did it get reported? I don't think I ever saw a whole thread get removed.
[33 replies] Last: The argument, as I am trying to put forward, is that if you start talk... (by BHX)
Sand Noise Device https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAeF-_ciNQI
[1 reply] : Pretty neat project they have there. (by giblit)
When I get bored
Sometimes when I am bored I look at the assignments people have here and I do them.
[1 reply] : So what exactly are we supposed to be discussing? All you did was ment... (by giblit)
Leaving the console window
I was wondering when is a good time to leave the console window to creat games outside the console. Im currently reading a book that has you create games only i...
[no replies]
Google corrupt?
http://pastebin.com/qh6Tta3h# The paste claims that google had been losing money from AdSense, so to compensate they would ban AdSense Publishers before thei...
[11 replies] Last: lol, I'm not saying I believed him. I am saying that there is a pos... (by IWishIKnew)
Happy (1,2,3)
I don't really like listening to music very much (like at all), but this song is one of my few exceptions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6Sxv-sUYtM&feature=k...
[55 replies] Last: @ Fredbill: What's wrong with Taylor Swift - Love Story ? Its a rea... (by Stormboy)
Reference Implementation: Linked list...
So I started looking at a reference implementation of a linked list. I chose C so that it leaves room for the reader room to convert it to a C++ class. ...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=naraku9333]Why use defines instead of functions? I don't see th... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
OpenGL or OpenGL ES?
I was just wondering whether or not the PlayStation (3 and or 4) supports the plain OpenGL, or does it require OpenGL ES.
[1 reply] : It seams like neither is supported. Playstation 3 uses PSGL, and Play... (by htirwin)
help with cmake?
so if anyone remembers, im writing an irc bot. the source is getting pretty large, so i thought i would write a makefile. the only problem is, its getting quite...
[8 replies] Last: Try file(GLOB_RECURSE SOURCE "${SOURCE_DIR}*.cpp") then add_executa... (by naraku9333)
I can't stand Bubble Sort (1,2)
I can't think of a less-intuitive, more wasteful method of sorting. And it seems like every intro CS course want's people to write one.If you're going to fo...
[33 replies] Last: There is one thing I always wondered about your user, Duoas. Seen as y... (by Catfish666)
Bored? Temple OS might be for you.
So there's this toy OS out there that's 64 bit, non networked, Ring-0 only, single address space (identity mapped) multi-tasking, multi-core. The CLI is C++...
[10 replies] Last: @chrisname You appear to be right. He first released it as LoseThos ... (by BHX)
#define for optimization
A while back I read about a way for either gcc, or gnu, or something to help optimize a program. One had to add a certain #define and then maybe also a compi...
[13 replies] Last: the keyword is debug mode there is also for gcc, if you define the ... (by ne555)
Programming Challenge
I was wondering if someone wants to hold a programming challenge with me. It will be simple, and maybe with prizes. Programs will be checked by some program jud...
[5 replies] Last: I need another helper as a host (by Code Apperentice)
May 2014 Pages: 1... 345
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