Lounge - October 2016

Questions when coding
I'm having a particular issue when coding and the irony is about to unfold. The issue I have is when to ask for help. The reason why I'm asking this is because ...
[5 replies] Last: WheatFieldOnFire > Seems like you are trying to police me too. Blithe... (by JLBorges)
#cplusplus.com on Freenode
Given the recent state of affairs, I feel it prudent to remind the folks here that we have a small unofficial IRC channel over at Freenode (which migrated over ...
[2 replies] Last: I never do this, but in the interest of reusing an announcement rather... (by Albatross)
by cire
You responded to spam, replied to it, reported it, then replied to yourself so you couldn't remove your last post. That's a lot like painting yourself into a c...
[no replies]
Linux kernel
Is it possible to run the linux kernel on its own and then write some C commands for it, or do I need a shell?
[11 replies] Last: Yeah I have the same. I just use it because it looks neat (by FirasHafiz)
Networking and Database Best Practices?
Hello all, I've recently developed a simple library database system that allows users to access a database of library books, search them, check them out and mor...
[2 replies] Last: The best placement is to put the database servers in a trusted zone of... (by Dmowskavitto)
When will there be C++17 reference on this site?
Hi guys, I know that cppreference.com already has a reference for the C++17 standard, so when do you think reference for the new upcoming C++17 standard will ...
[9 replies] Last: I've been mostly keeping-up with the standard, but this is the first I... (by mbozzi)
CPU Architecture and C++
Are there different C++ language implementations for different CPU architectures? Or is there a once size fits all implementation for C++ regardless of CPU arch...
[4 replies] Last: The very purpose of the programming languages is to provide an abstrac... (by keskiverto)
Ceasar Cipher Logic Problem
I'll first state out that this is an assignment for a class and I have it working I just need some help on the logic. Also side note, I know this is written in ...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both! It turned out I was misunderstanding the whole situati... (by football52)
by mtrebi
Ideas for medium-big project
Hey! I have been studying CS for six years now and nowadays I am in a programming retreat. Here, I have been spending my time reviewing/improving my c++ skil...
[6 replies] Last: I am just playing around but graphics looks fascinating and I would li... (by mtrebi)
by Sheezy
Code for Me
This isn't an Homework, i just need a volunteer to code for me simply using C++. I highly appreciate on a user who can answer this. Please post the codes via co...
[5 replies] Last: And i apologize for spreading this "simple" program. Thanks for the le... (by Sheezy)
Anyone else having problems posting?
For the last couple of days, it's been hit and miss as to whether I can post successfully. Sometimes, once I hit the "Post" button, my post doesn't appear - it...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Michael37]Wrote my post on the main compose screen and the post... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
site's error while uploading to a hosting server
I did publish to a local file on my computer. When I tried to upload the files Compiled to my hosting using FileZilla, the project uploaded successfully but i g...
[no replies]
Please try my game out (1,2)
So I made a game (not telling you what it is since you can find out for yourself). I want you guys to test it out and play it. :D If you think my game is a vir...
[21 replies] Last: Truth be told, I don't like them either! It just happens that there a... (by mi41lumber)
Looking for an appropriate scripting language
I have a multi-media c++ project that I need to use scripting in. Looking the different scripting languages that are out there, the best fits I have found so f...
[2 replies] Last: I looked at squirrel. The issue with that language is that it is mea... (by primem0ver)
Hello World, cozySam is here!
Hello world! New guy here! I can't really say that I have any prior programming experience. I am hoping to change that soon enough. I have used computers for...
[3 replies] Last: People might say C++ are not good for beginners for many reasons but ... (by Yawzheek)
Could someone help me Debug this code
I have a couple of questions through out the code. I will try to ask them. Please help answer the ones possible. My first concern is that is my person.cpp fi...
[3 replies] Last: Sorry I didn't mean to spam. I just didn't know which forum was the c... (by cire)
Help! I am stuck with her final question...
So I am a tutor who have helped her with her C++ homework recently. But I overdid it, I made it too perfect. So this is what she told me : "Hey just wanted to...
[7 replies] Last: But is his job to be a tutor? I mean, no one goes to a massage parlo... (by helios)
Is there any C++ header that allows me to calculate extremely large numbers?
Hello guys, That is the question. I am not looking for a fast implementation but basically, it should at least be able to do this : + Calculate 2^200000 ...
[5 replies] Last: We can make this a bit more faster if we are just calculating a powe... (by a k n)
by hafez
can someone help me to turn compChoice, userChoice,and determining winner to functions?
#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { int PlayerChoice; int compChoice; void Intro()...
[2 replies] Last: A while ago I wrote a rock paper sciccor game. Since the logic is simi... (by Thomas1965)
Without using built-in functions or third party library
How would one determine if a string literal is a digit, alphabetic character or symbol character (!,@, {, }, $, ^, %, etc) without relaying on ready made functi...
[2 replies] Last: Is there a reason you're specifying a string literal as opposed to a s... (by cire)
October 2016 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [sep2016] [nov2016]

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