Windows Programming - March 2013 (Page 5)

Help creating a program that prints input from user
Hi, as you can tell from the title I'd like to try to create a program that will bring up a application with certain questions, such as a survey. Then when t...
[1 reply] : I would recommend also... (by Noah Sharbonda)
So i made this calculator program using some functions. I'm still very new to C++, and programming in general, but i think the code shows some useful things....
[no replies]
How to limit textbox value
How to prevent a user input no more than x value to a digit-only textbox? PS: Not length but value. I shared the question here, too:
[1 reply] : if (digit_only > x value) {cout << "Enter a value less than x value"};... (by GaGoKoYa)
by nivek
Win32 API in C (having error in call back function by using vb6)
Im using vb6 to call a device API(WIN32) which in c language .dll and it has a callback function from the device to fire event. The device API code as follows: ...
[no replies]
Bit stuck (BS_OWNERDRAW button AND MoveWindow(); function)
So, I'm a bit stuck here. I have it mostly working. However there are a few problems: 1) I have created a custom looking window in order to be "different"...
[4 replies] Last: could you post defs.h ? That would allow us to run it and see (by guestgulkan)
Multithreding for loop
Hi Guys! Can somebody modify this loop for multithreding please? I am very weak with MP. for(long l = 1; l <= n; l++ ){ if (m % p == 0) {b = fal...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! I had tried the exact code before. It is is not working ... (by Flashbond)
[Help]Get a list of Handles of a process
I have been looking for a way to query handles in a process. I have a debugger, and when I attach it to a process, I can see a list of handles: Handles ...
[1 reply] : This is a full source code of a C program that does exactly whay you w... (by modoran)
How to handle msvcr110.dll error
Hi Guys! Whenever I choose MD (Multi Threaded Dll) I am having msvcr110.dll error with the computers who doesn't have Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package....
[12 replies] Last: Well, he doesn't really need a complete installer. He can just use a Z... (by S G H)
Who want to build A open source chat software?
Who want to build A open source chat software? This project is in the works And need more people to build it! Will learn more you can visit http://sourcefo...
[no replies]
Registry problem (creation of key )
HEy guys . I am currently doing a project in which i need to register a key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run directory...
[no replies]
Communicating Between Hinstances
Say I have two or three instances of the same application open and I want to be able to communicate between them (or have a common variable that can be changed ...
[3 replies] Last: Never wrote any books and likely never will. That material referenced... (by freddie1)
how to change program to broadcast?
i created a client server program in mfc where the server shows all the ip addresses of the clients in a listbox. the client just clicks a button to connect to ...
[2 replies] Last: Broadcasting with TCP sockets is not possible. You'll first have to c... (by MSEBS1967)
by Dunken
Heap corruption because of tracking reference?
I'm facing managed heap corruption. Could the following function potentially cause the corruption? void EE::config(PT::DId^%dId){ dpId = gcnew PT::DId(St...
[no replies]
by ddow
Connection to SQL database?
Hi All I am creating a small program that basically writes to a database table for a small charity that basically inputs there contact details and is able t...
[no replies]
What is a window handle?
Simply what is a window handle? And what are the properties it can hold? I've been through a fair few books that talk about windows handles (even windows tu...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks guestgulkan. Its certainly a bit obscure, to say the least. (by freddie1)
MFC Message
Hello guys, I am stuck on an MFC assignment I have this window dialog where it pops up(Ctrl F) and if clicked it closes. My goal is to keep it on.(or close on...
[1 reply] : ? (by detroit)
by ToniAz
Running an application from within an application
Hello everyone! I want to execute the following sequence of statements: int main() { // do some work x // call external.exe with data x // read output prod...
[1 reply] : On Windows, the system call is CreateProcess. The shell provides Shel... (by kbw)
How to retrieve a hex value form an edit control
Hey, I am working on this project where an user has to enter a hex value in an edit control and I need to retrieve that variable. I have added a member variabl...
[no replies]
by andla
Need a free image library, png, Visual Studio 6.0
Need a free image library that can handle png xresolution and yresolution. I need it to be compatible with visual studio 6.0 I greatful for your help. Sinc...
[3 replies] Last: GDI+ supports reading/writing image metadata, no external library need... (by modoran)
How can hidden input change content of the edit controls
Hello.I'm trying to whrite code that depending on entered character ,change the content of the edit controls.The problem is that entered values must be hidden.O...
[5 replies] Last: It would help if you would use code tags fitipaldi, so that others cou... (by freddie1)
March 2013 Pages: 1... 345678
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