General C++ Programming - September 2017 (Page 6)

Which way is better? inheritance or member?
Which way is better? So, for example, let's say we have a game engine class through which you can add objects. But object manager class does that. So should I p...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks!!!! (by Putarda)
How to exit the program and and continue
include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { float weight, height, bmi; cout<<"Enter weight in kg and height in metres"; cin>>weight>>height; bmi = we...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. Understood how to do it.I will take care of that gaps. Actuall... (by abcdef123)
No clue how to start?
So i just transferred into a computer science and im like two weeks behind. I have no clue how to even start this project, please help! Problem Statement: You...
[5 replies] Last: jonnin, I stand corrected. (by Enoizat)
Hi guys , i have a question . Example : i declared 2 int variables . It is possible to find which is maximum and which is minimum without using cicles ( if , fo...
[2 replies] Last: (by Thomas1965)
SDL Snake Clone has troubles rendering the snake
Hi everyone! I rencently discovered the SDL library, and when I tought I was ready for it, I started making a Snake Clone. For now, I just control the snake us...
[2 replies] Last: That makes sense, thanks alot (by goldenchicken)
Create a file list (platform-independent way?)
Hi guys, although this questions has been asked many times, I haven't found a working solution for me yet. I want to create a function that returns a std::v...
[3 replies] Last: @Duthomhas Thank you very much for your solution with the recursion. B... (by olfibits)
Is this a legit optimization?
In the out() function below, which sums elements, you can see I have a switch case to do the summation in a single line, and in the default case (for any more ...
[3 replies] Last: JLBorges: That's extremely helpful! It looks like you got the assembl... (by G0rdano)
geting question marks for quotation marks
I'm reading from a file that has quotation marks and when it reads the quotation marks, i get question marks printed out. what do i need to do to fit it? st...
[4 replies] Last: ... (by Duthomhas)
How to use a language to program instances of class?
Hello! I begin to make a game creator for myself. I want to use c++ for the engine (work in progress), and made the gui in C# or Java (WIP too...). But what ...
[2 replies] Last: A class factory has nothing to do with code interpretation or run-time... (by helios)
Hi guys . How do i measure the length of an array ? Better to say : how do i pass every element from array? i found with begin() , end(), etc but doesnt work. ...
[5 replies] Last: what I have always pondered about this question is not how to do it b... (by jonnin)
Two phase name lookup (most of it) in the Microsoft compiler 1. Update to the current version 2. Compile with -permissive-...
[2 replies] Last: Whoa, I had no idea MSVC used Yacc. That's pretty crazy for C++. I won... (by helios)
how to format/truncate
Hi, Want to format and truncate/round my number at the same time in the program: Here I want the + sign shown: float n = 3.8; printf("%+f", n); =+3.800000...
[3 replies] Last: Worked great, thanx (by technologist)
by biomod
Undefined symbol error
Hi, I've recently taken over a project and therefore I am not completely familiar with it - however, I've encountered an undefined symbol error on the line: D...
[8 replies] Last: C++ Builder 6 Yes that is a bit dated indeed. If you're working on... (by Chervil)
Trouble while trying to find a specific word
hey. im trying to find a word in a txt file and if it is found count 11 lines after it, then save the word in a var and the destination in a var. cant eve...
[4 replies] Last: thank u guys, and yeah i can open files on c++ but i didnt know how to... (by lukardos)
precise definition of "precision"
What exactly is the precise definition of "precision" of a numeric field? As far as I know, it should be the "number of digits after the decimal point". ...
[7 replies] Last: > Here, a precision of 2 prints 3 decimal digits rather than 2, which ... (by JLBorges)
Can I change the way functions work?
When you pass a variable to a function in a function call, the function makes a copy of the variable so that any changes made to the value of the variable only ...
[3 replies] Last: For fuck's sake. (by helios)
How to connect objects in order to transport data between them?
Suppose I have a class Object which can send or receive some data: class Object { protected: int data; public: void SendData(); void Receiv...
[2 replies] Last: The way you've stated it, the problem you're trying to solve has a ver... (by helios)
by abc1
virtual functions
hi, I am very new to virtual functions of c++. what is virtual function?why it is used? please help me in learning this concept.
[13 replies] Last: > Why it is not method overiding? If we are talking about C++, we use... (by JLBorges)
"no matching function calling for getline" error (1,2)
I got this Build message: 1>------ Build started: Project: chapter17ex7, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1>chapter17ex7.cpp 1>chapter17ex7.cpp(18,36): e...
[38 replies] Last: Yeah, thanks. Done. (by DragonOsman)
Comparing two char within the same array
Hey guys, I am trying to make a comparison within an array that when you enter a character that is already in the array, it gives you "element is a duplicate". ...
[7 replies] Last: thank you guys, helped me heaps !! (by haddaauk)
September 2017 Pages: 1... 45678... 11
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