Lounge - December 2014 (Page 2)

by leo255
Would it be too much to be taking Calc III, Linear Algebra, ODE in the same semester?
Just curious what you guys think. It would be kinda nice to be almost completely done with all my math (think I still need discrete, though). I'm currently sig...
[5 replies] Last: Oh God, Linear Algebra was a nightmare for me (and my entire class, mi... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Unusual activities for a programmer (1,2)
So I was just curious as to if any people here do activities that you wouldn't suspect a person that's into computers participating in. For example, I use to bo...
[20 replies] Last: My employer has bought various class III weapons including a couple M1... (by closed account 3hM2Nwbp)
Brute force password cracking algorithm challenge
Let us celebrate Christmas with friendly rivalry. The Rules - 1) Must be written in C++ 2) Program must compile, run and work before posting your sol...
[3 replies] Last: So what happens if it is upper case, if it has numbers, if it has oth... (by megatron 0)
Is this a good book to learn C++ from?
[3 replies] Last: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-... (by MiiNiPaa)
Chromebook Compiler/ Online Compiler
Does anyone know a good free compiler that would work online or on a chromebook? I need to find this so I can continue working even when I'm on my Chromebook...
[16 replies] Last: I would suggest CodePad.org, I use it to program on my crappy ds. (by popa6200)
Six word Poetry
We've had a thread like this that I quite liked: Tell a story in six words. I propose writing six word poems, with titles. For example: -America New worl...
[4 replies] Last: -Segfault Define the undefined; access the inaccessible. (by mjgeis)
Some handy-ish algorithms
Whilst I was derping around, I made a couple somewhat useful algorithms for finding info about shapes. Here they are. Firstly, though, the variables. float...
[16 replies] Last: Yes and that pi button or constant variable have infinite digits..Bec... (by ezchgg)
How possible is it to find a job as an uneducated C++ programmer?
I've been going through teenage depression lately, and since I'm in electroengineering high school, it reflects a lot on my grades as I used to be the best stud...
[17 replies] Last: I didn't feel that you have conveyed that message, Benji. (by Avilius)
Anyone use ConEmu?
I'm usually pretty comfortable at my default Windows Console (gasp! -- yes, I've got it pretty pimped out), but I recently decided to play with ConEmu. It's ...
[19 replies] Last: LOL, do you know how many times I've read that? (Or mis -read that?)... (by Duthomhas)
Deleting/modifying old thread that is now archived?
I want to delete/modify an old thread that is now archived. It has a link to my personal website that I wish to remove. Is this possible? Thanks
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Duoas]Remember, if it's yours, and you put it on the net, even ... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
I want to get into embedded programming
As the title states, I'd like to start programming embedded systems. I'm really fascinated by robotics and that type of stuff. I have a Lego Mindstorm but I wan...
[15 replies] Last: Consider using a Breadboard... This way you won't risk stain blobs ove... (by S G H)
Open Source vs Closed Source (1,2,3,4)
I was wondering. Which do you think is better? Open or Closed source?
[72 replies] Last: [quote=ResidentBiscuit]Is there ANY game, F2P or not, that isn't riddl... (by LB)
Shot in foot
Stupid std::replace() takes references . (And, conveniently, std::min() and std::max() also work over references.) Always remember to make yourself so...
[3 replies] Last: Casting to non-reference type helps too: replace( xs.begin(), xs.end... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Disch
Apparently I just won the PCH
That's right! Publisher's Clearing House, baby! So I get a call from Jamaica of all places and the guy starts telling me how I won the PCH. $200 Million do...
[8 replies] Last: @Little Bobby Tables Nope windows 8. (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
by VikT
Effort estimations in software development projects survey at http://goo.gl/1G1aXr
I conduct a study about the actual use of effort estimations in software development projects and their possible correlation with other factors. Should you w...
[no replies]
Farewell, Dr. Dobb's
[1 reply] : :( hes taught me alot. i learned assembly through him (by Little Bobby Tables)
unanswerable posts?
Does anyone else has a problem with this thread: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/151039/#msg787381 ?
[6 replies] Last: I thought it was decided that Firefox couldn't handle the empty code ... (by firedraco)
Thinking about writing a series of articles
So, Now I have some free time, I have been thinking about writing some well written, structured articles about C++ and programming in general. My aim is t...
[16 replies] Last: @Computergeek01 Hey, thank you for joining this thread. IMO you sho... (by megatron 0)
Why do you think some people resort to cheating on tests? (1,2)
I've just finished the final test in my c++ course, and quite frankly it was a very easy test (at least for me). But throughout the test i saw a few people reso...
[24 replies] Last: @Uk Marine: So cheating is fine on hard tests? The point of a test is ... (by ModShop)
My first weird work experience
I'm not exactly sure what happened and this is a first for me. About 3 weeks ago I started volunteering at a IT recycling company. It's probably the first ti...
[10 replies] Last: @Fr0zen1 Oh I'm sorry, I thought this was related: http://www.cpluspl... (by S G H)
December 2014 Pages: 1234
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