Lounge - October 2013 (Page 8)

I was thinking on gettin this:
I was thinking on gettin this: http://www.dell.com/ie/p/inspiron-15-7537/pd?oc=cn75310&model_id=inspiron-15-7537 I just wanted to knwo if i would be able to ...
[8 replies] Last: I know but I need something I can carry from the kitchen to the sittin... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
how to install drivers on ubuntu
I just installed ubuntu by dual boot. but neither my internet nor ether net cable works. It works fine when i boot from life usb. I thought ubuntu installs y...
[5 replies] Last: Im good now. Switched to 13.04 ans no problems (by Megziflips)
Best Book on Algorithms for Beginners
I want to get started in algorithms and I was wondering if you guys had any suggestions. Did some little digging myself, but found no luck. Thanks in Advance ...
[4 replies] Last: Data Structures and Algorithms: Annotated Reference with Examples http... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Site suggestions thread, October 2013
I won't dig up the old thread... a good portion of the suggestions in it were satisfied. That's not to say you can't bring up the ones that haven't been, in thi...
[8 replies] Last: Something like that: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-def... (by MiiNiPaa)
How Does An Antivirus Work
First off a know how a scanner works. Don't try to explain this. I want to know after we have this binary sequence and we know its a virus how do we remove it. ...
[1 reply] : Deleting it is improbable because it may have spread to systems files... (by MiiNiPaa)
project idea
Hi, I have astarted wit d project, infact i hav created an architecture 4 d design. The project involves attack recognition/detection, attack resistance/defend...
[3 replies] Last: Please speak in correct English (by lockandstrike)
Hi, Pls is there any1 here dat hav access 2 www.sprigler.com
[3 replies] Last: Do u..@ne555 and script coder (by Assidiq)
Any Engineers?
I am currently studying Telecommunications Engineering. I am in my third year at the university (a 4 years course) and I am currently taking the CISCO and D-LIN...
[no replies]
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Hello, I just got finished going over a solution in class that I couldn't get to for the life of me. At the end of the class I asked my teacher what I could ...
[6 replies] Last: I wouldn't recommend Project Euler to C++ beginners. A few problems ar... (by Catfish4)
Which version of Linux is best?
Im a windows user who is studying telecommunications. I want to switch to Linux and familiarize myself with it. I plan to dual boot Linux and windows 8. I d...
[19 replies] Last: Re: Telecomunications The thing that differentiates linux distros is ... (by Stewbond)
Is Communism Really A Bad Thing? (1,2,3)
I've been reading about a lot of Communist countries in school lately (Vietnam, Russia, N. Korea, China), and I've been wondering if it's really that bad? I ...
[40 replies] Last: [quote=Duoas]Hmm, it seems that is exactly what I said, no? No. You a... (by chrisname)
Dearail this thread. (an experiment in thread derailing) (1,2)
...in order to understand derailing threads we need to better understand them and the devices derailleurs deliberately and accidentally use. So we start with t...
[37 replies] Last: Hey catfish that was my SO post to steal from!!!! ;) (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
by LB
ideone.com has multithreading disabled, and the compilers on my system don't have std::thread in the standard library yet. Could people run this code can tell...
[10 replies] Last: [quote=L B]ideone.com has multithreading disabled, and the compilers o... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
by sumsar
making money on internet and power
the place where im living has free power and a 600 mbs internet connection. i was just thinking if there was a way that i could use it to earn money on it?
[11 replies] Last: All this stuff makes me want to be a buisnessman. Cubbi, what company... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by LB
Why would the designers of Java think this was OK? (1,2)
Java: http://ideone.com/YT5GYX C++: http://ideone.com/7jgXOO So what's going on here? The C++ version correctly calls A::getResource() because those who d...
[24 replies] Last: This thread is about a specific feature of Java, not about your opinio... (by LB)
How should i partition my drive?
Hp pavilion g6 595GB hdd 383 GB free space(running windows 8) 4GB ram I want to multiboot Ubuntu and Fedora and if possible (Linux mint) Also i want a ...
[no replies]
What is your favorite IDE (1,2)
What is your favorite IDE? Mine is Code::Blocks.
[30 replies] Last: code::blocks too though I wound up using eclipse (by devonrevenge)
*Spoiler* Metro Last Light. Help
Ok I Completed Metro Last Light. Yesterday And I Got The Ender Where You Save The Dark Ones. But There Is Another Ending And Im Wondering How To Get It. ...
[2 replies] Last: Google With Have Spoilers Though. (by BeastlyHex)
Video games w/ japenese subtitles
Does anyone know any video games with japanese as an available subtitle? Not kanji but prnounced japanese? E.X.: A game that you turn this subtitle option on an...
[no replies]
3D scatter plots
I want to create 3D scatter plots of the PRNG's in the C++11 random library for amusement. With inspiration from the Internet * my current algorithm looks...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks again for the link. That PDF even exemplified the modulo method... (by Catfish4)
October 2013 Pages: 1... 6789
  Archived months: [sep2013] [nov2013]

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