Windows Programming - May 2012 (Page 5)

by rtomi
accentuated letter problam
Hi, I would like to work with accentuated letters, but i do not know how can i? It means: I have a world, for examle: ÁLMOS. The first letter is not in...
[1 reply] : You need to work with wide characters to be on the safe side. Instead... (by webJose)
Detours & Managed UI
I've recently started migrating from .Net to C++, and run into some trouble. So I turn to you! I currently have a fully functional VC++ project, which is a D...
[1 reply] : I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news: Most of the regulars here don... (by webJose)
Mouse click simulation
How would I go about simulating a mouse click? Essentially what I want is to be able to press a key on the keyboard, and have the computer act as if I was spamm...
[3 replies] Last: mouse_event() is deprecated. SendInput() is the way to go now. (by webJose)
Tetris game in c++
For my intro to c++ programming class final project we need to code a game of tetris in c++ using MS visual c++ express 2008 and Dark GDK. I have started the...
[6 replies] Last: This makes the shape, but it is not making it 'blue' code: //Dark GD... (by shywolf91)
by mejo
please hellllllllllp!!!
Hi guys .. Can you help me to find a code to the following example, and I hope you bring him in as soon as possible (>>PLEASE<<) ( in windows of course) * ...
[7 replies] Last: Well, thank you all for all what you said and what you did, I asked y... (by mejo)
Windows Registry Question
I revised the question to provide a little more information. This call is used to open the Registry Key: HKEY hKey; LPCTSTR CFDW_Reg_Key = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\C...
[1 reply] : Error code 2 is file not found, I think. Have you verified that the k... (by webJose)
New to visual c++
Hi, I'd like to say that this is the first time I've used visual basic C++, I'd been practicing on codeblocks for the last couple of months, and I'm a bit out o...
[3 replies] Last: I don't know how far along you are in your coding studies newbieg, but... (by freddie1)
Looking for someone to code an interface
I've got some code I've written in C and I was hoping I could find someone with experience making windows applications. I've been working with the console to ge...
[10 replies] Last: I'm offering to help program an interface. ^^ I haven't written cod... (by blackcoder41)
by gotit
Game of life
Good day! Can you help me with my code regarding the game, GAME OF LIFE. Please try to edit my code cause it keeps on lagging when I run it. Your help would be ...
[9 replies] Last: thank you!:) (by gotit)
Question On Windows DCB struct
I don't understand what I'm seeing here in the DCB struct used in Serial Communication. Here is the struct ... typedef struct _DCB { DWORD DCBleng...
[2 replies] Last: Ah! Thanks guestgulkan. Never thought of that. I've used them in ot... (by freddie1)
keylogger and password stealer
i want simple Cpp code of keylogger. how to write this topic that firstly detect process ID (program name) and secondly store key down/pressed on it. i want th...
[8 replies] Last: I'll be short: (by S G H)
VS 6 to VS 2010 Conversion Link Error
I am converting a project from Visual Studio 6 to VS 2010, and I get the following link error: error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_os...
[1 reply] : You have an overloaded operator<< taking a std::ostream and a const CV... (by cire)
Adding a manifest to a c++ appltion in c++
I have searched all over the web and have found out how to do this but they all al out dated so is there anyway to add a manifest file to a c++ appltion in ming...
[9 replies] Last: To add resources to executables compiled with MinGW you could use a gr... (by modoran)
Iterator Not Iterating
I have a list<pair<int, pair<int, int> > > named farms , and likewise I have a list<pair<int, pair<int, int> > >::iterator named it . I store some thin...
[1 reply] : I have two ; that I shouldn't have in there. (by BReynolds)
Calling executable in C + +
Hello I would like to know what code I use to call an external executable programming using C / C + + I wanted to create this command in a way that: when I s...
[2 replies] Last: This is but the code to be this link only works on UNIX systems but ne... (by brunopescarolli)
by HenryJ
how do you open a image in wxWidgets?
Hi everyone, I am trying to make a program that can open images. This doesn't seem to work some how void MyFrame::OnOpenImage(wxCommandEvent& event) { if...
[2 replies] Last: I put that wxInitAllImageHandlers() in my program, but it still comes ... (by HenryJ)
by HHM
Whats the diffreence bitween __declspec( dllexport ) USHORT func(); and extern "C" USHORT PASCAL EXPORT func(); ?
[3 replies] Last: thanks (by HHM)
Hello everybody ,, i am in need of your help on hw to convert a function to classes,,thank you .. <code> source: void Delete(struct Queu...
[1 reply] : 1. Please use code tags properly. See (by webJose)
directx9 programming
hey so i want to create my own games using directx. from what i understood so far d10 and 11 are not even supported on windows xp so i want to start with direct...
[3 replies] Last: I'd recommend a book or two. Luna's work is largely praised: http://w... (by roberts)
"Un-hiding" a process.
I'm making a program for testing purposes, that will start up hidden, but will show when an input is made. So far, I can not find anything on this. I want my ...
[2 replies] Last: The fragment you posted looks dangerous. By looking for the console wi... (by andywestken)
May 2012 Pages: 1... 3456
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