Windows Programming - September 2012 (Page 6)

A few questions...
Heya there, I have a few questions rather than 1 specific question. How would I be able to grab the values from a textbox in a windows app in Dev C++? ...
[5 replies] Last: why don't u type win32 GDI tutorial in google? there are tons of tutor... (by Silvestar)
OpenGL BMP Loader Help Please.
So, I have a texture loader that works decently well, however, it only loads BMP's that have a bit-depth of 24! I don't know why this is, but if you see any pro...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! This fixes TONS of my problems! Also, it has made ... (by KyleMiles)
Windows Forms Program Question
ok, here is the relevant code. The goal is to take the input, convert it to a number variable, do some math on it and, send that info back to the form. It wor...
[1 reply] : Try trim and try/catch. I can post some code if u need (by bobdabilder)
Key Press Event
Im looking for a keypress event that will fire regardless of whether the application is selected, I have an application that is running at the same time as a ga...
[3 replies] Last: Hello, try this: (by gabrielsaraiva)
Insert website source code into a buffer
Im looking at using a spreadsheet that is online for a major part of my application, call it... online data management... and i plan on using the data in this e...
[4 replies] Last: thanks a bunch guys (by GFreak45)
replacing keyboard keys
Hi i am writing a program that i need to disable some keys and replace them that means for example when someone pressed 'L' key i need that computer think that...
[1 reply] : please i need to disable and replace some keys help me i am in middle ... (by Mohammad Zolfaghari)
Detecting and Listing Windows Audio Devices
I am trying to develop a program that detects the available input/output audio devices in Windows XP/7 and lists them for the user to select. The ultimate goal...
[2 replies] Last: You should try Juce... It will easily let you play around audio thing... (by acn)
Latest GUI frameworks
Hey guys. I was wondering, what are the latest frameworks out there for C++/STD and C++/CLI. I know about Qt, .NET Windows Forms and MFC. I've heard about WPF h...
[no replies]
COM automation
Hi, I developed a local server(exe) with dual interface (using c++ ATL). com is consumed by javascript in IE with "new activexobject". However, after call...
[5 replies] Last: (by kbw)
Can't run .exe
I just got a new computer, so I transferred all my files over, but now when I try to run one of my programs on the new computer, it doesn't run. I have an old v...
[4 replies] Last: If you are linking to an empty dll or one that is corrupted it wont sh... (by GFreak45)
by SeBeQ
ProgressBar of write/copy a file from resources
Hi! I have issue with reading "bytesWritten: from WriteFile in a second thread of application. HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(_T(".\\tmpRes.dat"), GENERIC_W...
[no replies]
detect wrong dll (delay loaded)
I’m providing a C++ DLL used by an application which delay load this DLL, compile its header file and link it using its .lib file. When I change this DLL by ...
[1 reply] : You can't do that. When you build a DLL the code is written to a .dll... (by kbw)
Get a WM_KEYPRESS message in the parent window
I have a followup question to I have a WIN32 application with one button and a bunch of edit boxes. If I hit VK_R...
[5 replies] Last: I find MFC much easier to work with than win32 but that's just me as I... (by soranz)
How to drop packet Using C++?
Hi for all. I want to drop packets using C ++ based on the destination IP address For example: the packet to IP address will be drop. Currently, I ha...
[no replies]
by dancks
how to build .exe with Visual Studio 2005?
I'm trying to figure out how to compile an empty project. I'm using sample code to test the Allegro game programming library. I can build and use rebuild withou...
[6 replies] Last: that depends on the type of project, you can have a main function and ... (by GFreak45)
Inputting text into an external program (Help)
Currently i am using this to type out my account information and password into a game im playing. (i launch play 4 clients at once and launching all 4 and typi...
[no replies]
Windows forms and functionality
I am currently trying to write a program that uses Windows Forms. However, I am having an issue adding functionality to the buttons. From what I have been tol...
[2 replies] Last: I am currently using Visual Studio 10. I am using the windows templat... (by lediable)
Using a dll input
Dear programmers, I have a question which i don't know how to answer myself. A part of my code: #include <vector> #include <pcl/io/openni_grabber.h> #inclu...
[no replies]
I know how to write windows already using resources
Please i want to if that is okay for me to start writing games applications and on window operating system using HDC , i dont want to use any API library like a...
[1 reply] : It is too complex if you not using any API library. (by burstdev)
Function Order
In VC2010 there is a linker option for function order. How would i use that function so i could organize my functions rather than the compiler organize it auto...
[3 replies] Last: That takes me back to the days of overlay linkers. Anyway, back to th... (by kbw)
September 2012 Pages: 1... 45678
  Archived months: [aug2012] [oct2012]

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