Lounge - December 2013 (Page 6)

Anyone ever play with scons before? It's like Make, but written in python. http://www.scons.org/ I just did the obligatory "hello world" example, nice outp...
[1 reply] : Yeah, scons is my goto build system for right now. It also has utiliti... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by Disch
This emoticon: >_>
Starting a new thread about this as not to derail the other one. In this thread: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/118210/ LB offered this explanation as...
[3 replies] Last: I guess it just fascinates me that different people take these emoti... (by Mats)
NGC 7777
[6 replies] Last: The fifth element is supposed to be someone who needs love. Multipa... (by Disch)
Do you listen to music when coding? (1,2)
Do you listen to music? I usually do just because I work better with music. Although this is true, the music must be pretty mellow. Can't be hard rock, somethin...
[29 replies] Last: I find it to be the reverse for me- listening to music ends up leaving... (by Ispil)
Hey new nooby
Hi all, my name is James ad I am new to c++ and the forum. I'm teaching myself c++ now with the aid of "C++ Primer Plus" and a how to manual on ios programs. I ...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks Lumpkin, I plan to learn objective-c next. I am very interested... (by JamesJskier)
What are your favourite code editing fonts? (1,2)
Mine is Consolas and Courier New.
[28 replies] Last: This is the lounge, I don't know why you care that much... (by firedraco)
Weapon of choice
Assuming any project type, what's your language of choice? What do you feel most comfortable/find most fun to program in?
[19 replies] Last: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/lounge/117945/2/#msg648725 (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Advice to survive a CSCI major
I am currently finishing up my first semester (CSCI-111), at a California State University that has a highly respected CS program. Talking with friends and prev...
[2 replies] Last: ^^Bad advice. CS is much more than programming, which you'll figure ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Linux Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver Driver
I made a driver this past week for the Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Linux to supersede the in-kernel xpad driver's functionality. I'm rather desperate for peo...
[9 replies] Last: Growing on my knowledge, I realized that the device follows the HID sp... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Mr Mandela had "departed" and was at peace.
Rest in peace.
[5 replies] Last: He was South Africa's first democratically elected president and was e... (by Script Coder)
by Jane J
Would you like to help learning C++?
Hi, this is Jane. I am a engineering student, but I only used MATLAB before. Now I need to learn C++ language. Actually, I am trying to read C++ guide books ...
[4 replies] Last: All links collation is amazing. Keep it up for this great shearing.Tha... (by jahangeer100)
by BHX
Frustration at myself...feeling truly lost anymore...anyone have this problem? (1,2)
Well I thought, due to personal problems, that I would have to leave the site, but the problems were thankfully resolved. That and my wife has always supported ...
[35 replies] Last: It's useful in a singleton pattern where you want the object to be con... (by Disch)
by dilver
ok I have a question . Unfortunately , even in Google , I could not find the answer to my question. my question is : how to install a software or a progra...
[4 replies] Last: You run setup[-x{86,86-64}].exe whenever you want to install, upgrade ... (by chrisname)
C# properties in C++ (sort of)
Today I decided I was tired of writing tedious accessor/mutator boilerplate, so I wrote a couple of classes to emulate C# properties. You can do something simil...
[6 replies] Last: @Disch I looked into something like this after finishing up the second... (by chrisname)
I Have Access to a DataBase
This is great, my school gave me the username and password to two databases. I never knew there was so much information just floating around, I've read on th...
[8 replies] Last: you seem happy that the service is gratis. I don't see a reason for th... (by ne555)
Give some Advice.
Hi guys im still looking for IT job in sydney but i haven't received any call or email !! iv have been applying for more 6 months but no luck !!! could you plea...
[2 replies] Last: @Lumpkin You're 13. You really have no experience in the job area @ja... (by coder777)
by rcast
Lose my way
I use to treat answering/asking questions on this forum like a job when I was not yet gainfully employed. I started working as an entry level software developer...
[2 replies] Last: When has anyone ever regretted continuing learning? When has someone r... (by Mats)
Arguments for sub-programs
The error says: 1>c:\documents and settings\jake\my documents\visual studio 2010\projects\program6\program6\source1.cpp(135): error C2660: 'calculateRecordTe...
[1 reply] : you should move this to the Beginners Forum Your problem is that the ... (by coder777)
by LB
This is why I open unfamiliar websites in Chrome Incognito
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRBihr41JTo When I have to visit a website that I don't know if I can trust, I open it in Chrome Incognito, so that none of my ...
[6 replies] Last: I propose replacing the term "web browser" with "I can't believe it's ... (by helios)
Triangle Intersection (1,2)
I know I made a thread on Collision Detection a while back, but my triangle intersection was crap when I attempted that. I moved on for a bit, added some new st...
[32 replies] Last: The thing is, technically , 16KB = 16,000 bytes. However, Windows (an... (by TwilightSpectre)
December 2013 Pages: 1... 4567
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