Lounge - January 2013 (Page 5)

Hey everyone i coded you a xmas card :D run it! run it! woop
HAPPY CHRISTMAS GUYS :D But first you have to save all this as a text file sry i had to go to bed before i put the finishing touches on (at GFs mums)here...
[12 replies] Last: yeah it prints out "happy new" in Devon-Font but then it crashes. It c... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Android token files
I have an HTC Inspire 4g. On the micro sd card there are token files. Is there a way to read these or does anyone know what they are? Any help would be appre...
[5 replies] Last: I'll try that-thanks. (by Trackstand)
Wolfstein 3D and C++
Hello everyone. From today and for the next fex months I have to think about writing a C++ project for my computer science class -I'm an undergraduate student o...
[3 replies] Last: s/SDL/SFML/ (by chrisname)
"C++ Sucks" - Why? (1,2,3,4,5)
I constantly hear about a relatively popular idea that "C++ sucks" from some very influential people. "OOP has lost a lot of shine as I have embraced more func...
[96 replies] Last: Some C++ abstractions add overhead: think about templates. The compile... (by chrisname)
Adding an Edit feature to cplusplus (1,2)
Topic on these forums can get pretty ugly with new users stopping by everyday to post their un-formatted code with a "no work, fix pls" label in the title. An e...
[28 replies] Last: No I didn't. (by chrisname)
The Matrix (Movie) (1,2)
I've watched all 3 movies and there's something i don't understand, how does Neo have powers outside of the Matrix??? I know that he was born into the machine w...
[24 replies] Last: 100th post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOO... (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
by CroCo
YouTube Channel for cplusplus!
I'm new here and I like the way cplusplus website organized. I have a lot of ideas and projects in my mind. I need more time to be familiar with the c++. Why t...
[11 replies] Last: There would be no way to orchestrate a youtube channel effectively. I'... (by Thumper)
by BHX
Programming Books to Avoid may be worth reading....
I decided to read a Herbert Schildt book I had (C/C++ Programmer's Reference) and made me realize that the books we need to avoid may still be worth reading. Fo...
[16 replies] Last: I only have 30 minutes (if that) at night to practice anymore. (by BHX)
by Aceix
Any Ideas for a project?
Hi, I am thinking of something to do and can any of you give me ideas? Thanks, Aceix.
[7 replies] Last: It is very general question. To me, I like image processing. Connect a... (by CroCo)
Just a question ppl always talk about documenting their code i never have and it seems like i do just fine....i comment my code however...is that just as good?
[3 replies] Last: Use a documentation generator like Doxygen and get into the habit of w... (by chrisname)
by S G H
Number of Posts going crazy?
Am I wrong, or from 700 posts I had like, not even last week, i did nomore than 100 posts? I have 818 posts as I write this, Is it me that writes this much or?
[7 replies] Last: Thanks Hamsterman! (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
by krell
so whats stronger than plexeiy glass
can anyone help me out here I'm trying to build a robot here but moneys is very little i'm lucky to get 19 dollars into this project
[7 replies] Last: Plexiglass? Thickness: http://www.eplastics.com/Plastic/Plastics_Libr... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
by krell
need help?
i need someone who can help make a sketch i have some drawings they do get to a point but i can't seem to find bent rounded l shape angles at lowes do i have to...
[1 reply] : What you are looking for are stencils. Um, I specifically checked Lowe... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Well, lounge, what's on your playlist? Blind Guardian: A twist in the myth (in it's entirety) Pink Floyd: Wish you were here (in it's entirety) Coheed...
[6 replies] Last: I just searched up "music", got 10 pages, sorted out the ones that wer... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
January 2013 Pages: 1... 345
  Archived months: [dec2012] [feb2013]

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