Lounge - May 2013 (Page 6)

by LB
This morning I took the Java 7 OCA Certification exam. 30 minutes later I became a certified Java programmer. I'm not sure what this means for me, but it has t...
[2 replies] Last: I'm working on my CCNA now :) (by ResidentBiscuit)
what's the best language for hacking? (1,2)
what's the best language for hacking?
[35 replies] Last: Ah, aparrently without telling me Google had changed some of my search... (by LB)
I need a tutor?
I need someone to help me write a program of classes... We would communicate through email not through here... If anyone is interested let me know It would be ...
[1 reply] : Please move this to the jobs section. (by Script Coder)
Windows 8 is a disapointment! (1,2)
Yesterday I downloaded Windows 8 and installed it on my Virtual Box. Thank god I did not pay for that crappy operating system because I would of felt like I was...
[22 replies] Last: It is Base64. (by MiiNiPaa)
A Euclidian Modulus function for C++
For anyone who has tried to apply a modulus operator with negative numbers, you have probably discovered that the c++ "%" operator and fmod functions don't real...
[9 replies] Last: This calls for a programming mathematical error. Use of "round res... (by MiiNiPaa)
I want to make this AMAZING advert into an AWESOME side scroller
Any original side scroller Ideas? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaTRCHbG_IA I don't have to release it so I don't have to worry about interlektual rights or ...
[16 replies] Last: Now thats interesting 2 thumbs up. (by TheElk)
Do you guys work on project with teams or not
Hi, I am quite new to this forum but I have not seen may people working on projects with others here. Do any of you work on small Projects or do you tend to ...
[no replies]
Learning C++
I am 14 years old and i have just started to learn C++ 3 days ago, and i need help with it.I need help with what commands do what and how to use them correctly...
[18 replies] Last: ... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Linux distributions, kernel, Desktop Environments, POSIX etc
Basically I am wondering what it would take to have a "One Linux Standard". The philosophical issue I have is needing to have a particular application like an I...
[7 replies] Last: @naraku9333 All right, thanks for that - cheers. I will give that a ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by LB
Paint (1,2)
Assuming paint molecules are infinitely small, how much paint do you need to fill the volume of Gabriel's Horn? What happens when you pour the paint out? Have y...
[23 replies] Last: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/191131/rules-of-thumb-to-decid... (by LB)
by Aceix
Pros and cons of Qt
Hi all, I just want to know the advantages and disadvantages of Qt. Thanks, Aceix.
[14 replies] Last: [quote=Zereo]QT1........ A bit outdated don't you think? ;p It was Q... (by keskiverto)
Why, YouTube?
We all should know by now that YouTube has its " strange " side. Why does YouTube allow videos, such as snuff films, to be uploaded to their servers? Yeah, so...
[5 replies] Last: My thing has always been if kids can't do or watch it then you should'... (by supperpiccle)
Smallest Hello World
what is the smallest hello world program you ever wrote. i mean in file size, not source length. if possible please give source in any language, and compiler na...
[9 replies] Last: Reading article Cubbi linked to, I realized, that you didn't specify... (by MiiNiPaa)
by cire
Stuff being worked on for C++14
Just sharing a link for those that may be interested. http://isocpp.org/blog/2013/04/trip-report-iso-c-spring-2013-meeting
[6 replies] Last: > People will want to define their own concepts ConceptsLite does not... (by JLBorges)
Why are the SFML crowd so pompous? (1,2)
You know you got to start somewhere, nobody is born with an intimate knowledge of SFML or any c++ library for that matter. I thought I would use sfml in a proje...
[22 replies] Last: Yea, lol. (by closed account N36fSL3A)
Intellectual Property? (1,2)
So i could care less if i get my name on a piece of software. i love coding so thats my best reward. however not everyone feels the same as me. so what my quest...
[39 replies] Last: I actually use a mixture of the two. (by closed account N36fSL3A)
May 2013 Pages: 1... 456
  Archived months: [apr2013] [jun2013]

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