Lounge - May 2014 (Page 2)

2D game art
Would you mind recommending me some good 2D game art tutorials? I wanna make some games but I can't draw anything. Thanks in advance.
[5 replies] Last: Not to mention there are tons of Pixel art tutorials all over the plac... (by BHX)
Can someone, in english, please attempt to explain to me the purpose and function of IoC(Inversion Of Control) and its practical uses.
[4 replies] Last: But why not code it that way in the first place? ...If you're implem... (by Lachlan Easton)
PC and Programming Setup/Builds
Hello, I'm just curious on how your PC-setups/builds currently look at the moment. Post pictures and things of that nature, hopefully when this topic picks up ...
[11 replies] Last: In my spare time I do programming jobs similar to the side-jobs that F... (by Avilius)
Is C++14 out and where can I learn the features of it. And what compilers support it(some)
[4 replies] Last: > What is new Not much. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B14 (by JLBorges)
I have been programming for about 4-5 years, and I don't understand VCS(version control systems) Can someone explain to me what it is. Also it would help to exp...
[4 replies] Last: I know GitHub isn't VCS, but it has the stats of when I use git to add... (by BHX)
What is an ALU (arithmetic Logical Unit) made of?
So i'm learning about digital design in school and what ALUs are, theoretical. Yes they take inputs and output stuff, but what exactly is it? what is it in rea...
[6 replies] Last: They are made up of logic gates , which are made up of transistors (th... (by a k n)
Advice for beginner programmer
Hi all, I'm looking for some advice as a beginner programmer. I'm learning with several books, mainly Jumping Into C++ by Alex Allain. I don't know a lot yet, b...
[12 replies] Last: I always address him as Mr., but technically it is Dr. Stroustrup. @... (by BHX)
How to properly plan a program? (1,2)
So I have a project that I am determined to finish, however I am struggling to understand exactly how each part of my program works with each other. So far m...
[38 replies] Last: Well when you do install it I don't recommend you use the debian repos... (by closed account z0My6Up4)
Best Book For Learning Framework Design
Hi I would like to prototype a application framework. Can any one please suggest a good reference book which focus on practical framework design? Thank y...
[no replies]
Bad words in English (1,2)
Do you guys know what are the bad words in English? Ya know saying bad words is... bad itself. And I wanna avoid saying them. You can censor them a little bit w...
[24 replies] Last: Not really, there are business laws in place that make it illegal to d... (by BHX)
Huh...Look what I got!
hi From: fineomar May 21, 2014 at 9:49am hello my dear friend please i will like you write me back to my inbox (oromodavid1@yahoo.com) I have something confi...
[5 replies] Last: Depends on the person, every weekend for two months I had to hear my s... (by BHX)
Should complicated code stay complicated because it works?
I'm working with a project (which I don't want to draw attention to over this specific matter) but I would like to delve into the mindset of others' opinions. ...
[6 replies] Last: ... was easier to maintain in a long run, but other than this, I don... (by htirwin)
Code::Blocks is always blocking
The first time I use this IDE, when I try to compile, it's fast, but after a while it always begins to "not responding" before it tries to compile for a while. ...
[2 replies] Last: I used to use Code::blocks, and it hasnt ever happened to me. Try rein... (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
Stories about clients who won't pay
I wrote a program for a client on these forums recently... but did not get paid. It was very simple and short program that I was charging a very small fee to wr...
[2 replies] Last: Don't sell to regular people, sell to companies. Companies do pay and ... (by rapidcoder)
Computer Programming Has...
Turned me into a couch potato!!! These past couple years been learning the foundations of c++ and itsss sooo hard to get back into shape!!! Anybody else have th...
[12 replies] Last: My personal solution: cycling to work. Pros: * Faster than any other ... (by helios)
confused on clearing the screen
so i read an article here by the user duoas, and was wondering if someone could explain it... i saw that he suggested clearing the screen with something like th...
[5 replies] Last: You're right. The only "guaranteed" clear is the system/terminal-speci... (by Duthomhas)
Cin's Buffer: problems with the default attributes
Every newbie eventually comes accross one very obvious problem with cin: they need a way to clear it's buffer. Obviously, many people turn to cin.ignore() , ...
[12 replies] Last: I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that it works on some flavor of Lin... (by Duthomhas)
by LB
Why do gamers always try the seemingly impossible?
I don't play games myself, but I do watch a lot of videos of people playing games. One thing I have noticed consistently across the board is that if it seems li...
[10 replies] Last: People making videos of them playing the game make it for public. Whic... (by MiiNiPaa)
Code::blocks - I want it to help me more
Hello! How to make code::blocks update the code style every time I write something different from the chosen code style? (like VS) Example: My default c...
[1 reply] : C::B does not have autoformatting the way VS does, but I think there i... (by MiiNiPaa)
Cross-Platform HTTP library
Hello. I'm making a program that needs to download some files. I'm using console. As Qt is too heavy (in this case) and Boost.Asio doesn't handle it, I need s...
[7 replies] Last: Try this version, it worked with a couple pdfs I tried. std::string g... (by naraku9333)
May 2014 Pages: 12345
  Archived months: [apr2014] [jun2014]

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