Lounge - April 2013 (Page 3)

RHEL5 - Stop daemon from starting at boot
I've been searching around for awhile and can't find much on this. I have a service that needs to not run at startup (sendmail) but I'm not sure the best way to...
[5 replies] Last: chkconfig sendmail off chkconfig is a simple utility in CentOS 5 th... (by keskiverto)
[Humour] How to feel like a professional programmer
I didn't find an English translation of this gem, so I made one myself. Thanks to this unique exercise you can feel like a real professional programmer wit...
[5 replies] Last: This is why to make a contract and do nothing but the contract. "You ... (by LB)
Could use some additions to the article I have been working on.
So for the past few weeks I have been think on how I could give back to this forum and others that have helped me learn C++. I finally decided to write a articl...
[3 replies] Last: Don't forget my insertion sort from http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/a... (by Cubbi)
Skills USA
I signed up for a "programming" competition within the skillsUSA competitions. I've made it to states and from what I've learned about the competition its less ...
[1 reply] : Alas, you are really on the wrong forum for this. VB is very much an ... (by Duthomhas)
Computer Geek Jokes (1,2,3)
A man begins touching a women in a way he shouldn't, he whispers in her ear "It's ok, I'm a friend class" An impatient man becomes frustrated with his i7 as ...
[45 replies] Last: @Catfish get ready for a lot of spam to your PM inbox ;) (by Script Coder)
by LB
Flip Five - Competition Problem
I just got back from a 3-hour competitive programming competition. There were 7 problems, my team mate solved 1, and I solved 5. That took 2 hours - we had an h...
[16 replies] Last: I only just noticed your links now, thanks L B :) (by Script Coder)
Can someone answer my question?8 (1,2)
I need help with my program and no one ever replied... can someone give me tips thanks!
[23 replies] Last: Variable is a name for a memory location. When a function introduces a... (by keskiverto)
How can I monitor whats leaving my ports, what the data is and where its going?
could I build a simple program that would simply copy the data leaving selected ports and out put it a file, or maybe monitor all ports for say a screen shot im...
[18 replies] Last: . (by devonrevenge)
I just realized this
Not sure why it took me this long, but... yeah... //Return 1 on true and 0 on false bool isEven(int _x) { return !(_x & 1); } //Return 1 on true a...
[13 replies] Last: Hmm, I should have said Z + , I guess. Whatever. I concede the poin... (by Duthomhas)
Why do programmers care about their little stupid tools when it's abstracted from the chip?
Data types ... abstraction. Filesystem ... abstraction. Values ... abstraction. Why do programmers build a cubicle of "reality" where they operate Engl...
[15 replies] Last: Obligatory xkcd links: http://xkcd.com/676/ http://xkcd.com/378/ htt... (by Cheraphy)
Do you think augmented reality could ruin our lives
I thought augmented reality would be cool but actually I think it will make people even more wilfuly ignorant than they are already! I was watching this, thi...
[7 replies] Last: Im trying to get the title to best say what i mean but its really hard... (by devonrevenge)
What do you think the hardest part of writing a kernel would be?
Hey, so I thought about partaking a small kernel like a DOS-similar system with only 16-bit computing, no virtual memory, text-based graphics memory only, and i...
[14 replies] Last: I think the hardest part would be adding support for multiple keyboard... (by LB)
Wallpapers thread
In this thread, your wallpapers. Here's the source image of my current wallpaper: http://www.hrl.com/hrlDocs/pressreleases/2011/_images/Microlattice_highRes...
[17 replies] Last: Ika Musume!!! (by Cheraphy)
m_Why? (1,2)
Why does it seem everyone uses the prefix 'm_'? Could someone explain?!?!
[23 replies] Last: My code will never be in the std namespace → My code will be in th... (by chrisname)
how to make without name folder?
Hi Dears, i am happy sharing this information. See..... 1. Create New folder and remove New Folder. 2. Press ALT + 255 and Enter Enjoy Without ...
[9 replies] Last: I found the Unicode code for the zero-width joiner: U+200D . On Linux... (by ostar2)
Movies thread (1,2)
Well, I've seen Les Miserables. Heard Wolverine sing. Felt sorry for Javert when he killed himself, but still, the sound effect was hilarious! OH SNAP! ITT, ...
[23 replies] Last: The Usual Suspects is good every time. (by keskiverto)
by kbw
Overly helpful compiler
I've noticed that compilers sometimes attempt to fix common user errors. For example, beginners are often confused by the confusing treatment of pointers and...
[14 replies] Last: Ahh ok then ^^ (by S G H)
Minecraft Server Error
I have been trying to make a Minecraft Server for my friends and I. However, when I try to apply the changes, it tells me that my LAN IP is invalid. I followe...
[1 reply] : Why don't you ask your question at the right place? http://www.minecr... (by Catfish3)
Programmer fonts thread
I recently rediscovered the Borland TE font. It's a 20+ year old bitmap font (that means no antialiasing). Personally, I think it looks very clean and compa...
[4 replies] Last: I keep switching between Consolas and Lucida Console. On VS2012, I b... (by Oria)
Why is C still here when C++ has come? (1,2)
http://www.tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html Is C nowadays actually used to make big software? If yes, why is C still there when C++ has ...
[31 replies] Last: [quote=Oria]Its horrible and makes me swear in various tones. That is... (by BHX)
April 2013 Pages: 123456
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