Lounge - November 2013 (Page 5)

what is wrong with my javascript?
im writing an addon for this site that auto appends a signature when you make post a topic or a thread, but im having some trouble with my regex. right now it j...
[10 replies] Last: awesome. thanks! (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
Using git with Code::Blocks
Anyone do this? Been wanting to use an IDE, but not sure how best to use it with git. Let's say I have some base directory that's been git-initialized. This di...
[6 replies] Last: ok i was just making sure. rereading that seems cleare. my bad (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
C++ versus Java (1,2,3)
hi, hoping this is not out of topic... i program in c++ and i'd like to improve it, but i'd be interested in java too... I'm sure many here have experience on b...
[47 replies] Last: @Mats that's why it's just another anecdote, like the original post. (by Cubbi)
Python and Networking Questions
So it's slow today at work and decided to play around with Python a bit and make a little port scanner. Which I believe works fine (Though can't test it since ...
[4 replies] Last: Just iterate through all of them. Computers are fast these days anyway... (by Cheraphy)
by ne555
Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software (GoF)
I've got a quite lame edition that uses monospaced font and where typographic errors are common place (missing the space between words) So was wondering if any...
[2 replies] Last: Copyright laws aren't even upheld correctly in most countries much les... (by Computergeek01)
anyone want to join koding.com?
if you do, please pm me because if i give you my referall code i get an additional 250 mbs of space. for anyone who doesnt know what koding is, it is a site tha...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you ResidentBiscuit ssh-ing is the perfect solution (by lockandstrike)
What to do about midterm question professor has wrong? (1,2)
So the question is to name all of the member functions called in a chunk of code. Something along these lines: X fun(X &y) { X x = y; //the copy constru...
[21 replies] Last: ah, ok. (by IWishIKnew)
Encryption challenge
Hi - new to this forum - is it ok to post encryption challenges on here?
[6 replies] Last: Thanks Catfish666 - I had a googledrive account... you'll need to down... (by grumblyfrown)
thought you guys might like this
so my dad showed me this. and i actually found this pretty cool, and wanted to share it with you guys. http://www.computerhistory.org/atchm/apple-ii-dos-source-...
[2 replies] Last: I'll second that. I never did get very far writing my 6502 emulator, h... (by Thumper)
making a "plugin" for firefox
im on linux, and use firefox as my main browser. how would i go about writing something for the browser so that when i post something on this site it appends a ...
[8 replies] Last: thank you guys! your regex worked rets. i think my problem was i was u... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
How to Redo Your Bedroom with a Very Low Budget
ummmm... i do believe this is an ad. i guess its a nice refresher though, because i havent seen one in a while
[19 replies] Last: the point is to not drink ...now who said anything about that? The v... (by Albatross)
Who Knew... (1,2)
While studying for my English final, I came across a term that is rather interesting and applicable to this site. Spoonerism: The mixing up of initial sounds...
[21 replies] Last: That dirty mind though. (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by LB
Crimes against C++
http://ideone.com/OnsDWr #include <iostream> struct Extension { void f(){std::cout<<"f"<<std::endl;} float g(int x, float y, int z) { std::cout << "x = " ...
[4 replies] Last: @ne555 I plead guilty, I don't need a trial. (by LB)
MATH: inverse of a function with two variables
Some foreword, for the fun of it, I'm redefining basic arithemetic operations such that: +'(a,b) = a + b + ((a+b)/2) *'(a,b) = a +'a +' ... +' a, b times ^'(...
[3 replies] Last: Cool, glad I was able to help. (by Zhuge)
ways to learn how to use .dll's
I'm curious if anyone knows a real good source ( book/online/ or otherwise ) for working with dll's. Everything i seem to be finding essentially throws a bunch ...
[1 reply] : Hi, Read Windows Via C\C++ by Jeffrey Richter, Christophe Nasarre. It... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
by Mats
RPG Ideas (1,2)
So in a week or so I'm going to start on making an RPG. One of those old skool roguelike ones like Nethack or Ragnarok. I wondered if you guys had any ideas or ...
[28 replies] Last: Hmm I get it now. You are right (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
by Lauke
Computational Geometry - Sweep line algorithm
Hello guys. I'm approaching computational geometry, and i would like to implement sweep line algorithm. I don't know how to implement the Sweep line data str...
[no replies]
Java compilers
Besides Eclipse, and netbeans, is there an easy way to compile java? Neither Eclipse nor netbeans worked.
[4 replies] Last: I think Eclipse has built-in custom-made java compiler (for some sneak... (by rodiongork)
Malware Programming vs Cheat Programming (1,2)
Hi, Recently I have noticed that, Malware Programming and distribution is illegal and can get arrested including additional fines (few being $500,000+). Howe...
[31 replies] Last: Part of the purpose of law is to level the playing field. For example,... (by helios)
What you look like (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
First off, for those who don't know, I am retsgorf297. Also, I am sorry if this is too personal; I'm not posting a picture of me on the internet. If you are...
[136 replies] Last: [quote=Lumpkin]I thought you'd look the same. For some reason you all... (by Thumper)
November 2013 Pages: 1... 345678
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