Lounge - November 2013 (Page 7)

by S G H
SourceForge Going Low (1,2)
So, I'm up for a visit on gimp.org to check for updates, and what do I find? They dropped sourceforge, in favour of a FTP server to download installers from. ...
[37 replies] Last: aww come on Albatross, there's nothing wrong with a good ol fashioned ... (by Mats)
by BHX
[Halloween]What is your serial killer name? (1,2,3)
Yesterday, my wife stumbled upon this facebook image that had you look up your first letter of your first name and last letter of your last name to make a seria...
[48 replies] Last: Thanks for the tip Cubbi. I'm wholly new to regular expressions. (by Cheraphy)
any c++ tricks?
so i want to make a public domain cookbook full of useful general tricks but i only have two. one is my Str2Int routine which is: constexpr unsigned int Str...
[4 replies] Last: Code "tricks" lead to bugs; therefore, I avoid "tricks". Wazzak ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by dilver
I found , in the past , a website . In the website page there are two links link1 link2 when I click on the first link (link1) a red sentence app...
[5 replies] Last: lol damn you cire... I meant analyze, if I can freakin spell. (by Manga)
Yo what's up
Yo what's up my peoples!?! It's me SiLentThReaD and in back in the c++ scene. I used to be one of the most notorious internet bastards known to man. Back in t...
[3 replies] Last: ME? I am pretty sure he made some FireFox spyware, however I never he... (by closed account 13bSLyTq)
Halloween Costumes
It may be a little late to ask, but what did you wear for Halloween?
[10 replies] Last: I reported myself for thread derailment as my post, while answering Al... (by BHX)
another language
I have been considering learning python because i think it would be a good idea to know more then one programming language but i want to know if it is a good id...
[18 replies] Last: I also find Python very annoying. Although I do think it's a winner fo... (by chrisname)
by dunno
may i ask, where can i add custom build rules for pro*c? vs2010 doesnt has the option for it.. thanks in advanced
[no replies]
by Orgasm
Am I the only one who has always been puzzled by templates? (1,2)
I mean pointers and references were hard at one point, but the gist of them was always understood in clarity. I have always been puzzled and perplexed by any ...
[34 replies] Last: Completely not helping the point of this thread, but I remember readin... (by Cheraphy)
windows 8 app for the website
I've been considering making one. But that's a lot of work for just me to use. Would anyone be interested in using it if I do?
[12 replies] Last: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9045355/how-to-create-an-android-ap... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by LB
CMake ignoring properties?
I'm still pretty new to cmake, but I am trying to convert a VC++2008 project into a CMakeLists.txt project: https://github.com/LB--/windows-edif/tree/add-cma...
[1 reply] : @LB I've never been good at using CMake, but I'm not seeing anything w... (by BHX)
OpenGL SuperBible 5TH EDITION example code
Do any of you know where I can get the example code for the 5 th EDITION of OpenGL Super Bible? They have update the code for the 6 th edition on their we...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks! :D (by closed account yADwAqkS)
GameDev General (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
Since a lot of us are into game development, I decided to make this thread a general discussion and questions topic about game development. I have some quest...
[135 replies] Last: Contrived example: typedef std::function<void()> action; //... v... (by Disch)
Programming Social Network/Compiler/Server Hosting?
I seem to remember awhile back (a year at least) somebody has posted about some new website that came up that was like a social network for programmers. It had ...
[8 replies] Last: C++ isn't exactly graphics-oriented... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Thinking of doing a personalization job on my laptop, any ideas?
So first I was thinking a Red Baron theme, red laptop with a chequered bar and an iron cross, then I thought but Im from Devon so I was thinking a Devon version...
[5 replies] Last: NO! I will teach people to respect and fear the Devon flag, my people ... (by devonrevenge)
Copying code in this forum
So I'm a beginner and I can't copy/paste my code in a forum question to get it in the blue box like everyone else. This causes people to skip reading my code. ...
[13 replies] Last: It is only to the right for replies, for posting new topics it is und... (by Script Coder)
How'd Trick or Treating Go? (1,2,3,...,6,7,8,9)
Well, the title says it all...
[174 replies] Last: He has a point. (by closed account owpE3TCk)
by ngopza
Qt creator
hey guys. I made a RPG terminal game.Now I want to add some features to it.Someone recommended that i use qt. Unfortunately it needs to be done soon.Which me...
[19 replies] Last: Need it done soon? *cough* Red Bull *cough* (by Mats)
What's the difference between a computer science degree and a game programming degree?
What's the difference really? they're both practically the same thing right? they both teach you how to code, they both teach you how to make simple games like ...
[2 replies] Last: In the game development field they only teach you what you need to kno... (by Uk Marine)
Anyone into Game Programming as a profession? (1,2)
I intend to take it up as a profession, and would like some advice. Eg: These universities are the best, this is what it's like to work on a game, etc. Thank...
[39 replies] Last: over 21,000 students and 2,500 staff Are only ~3% of staff teaching... (by Mats)
November 2013 Pages: 1... 5678
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